• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Sorry, I misunderstood what you are trying to do here. I thought you were trying to use the Atom Echo itself as a media player. Disregard that arduino library comment, it isn’t relevant. I just watched the video since I couldn’t earlier.

    Indeed what you are doing should work. Are you certain that the upload was successful? With GPIO21 set as the speaker output, the speaker data should absolutely not work. The fact that it does means that somewhere along the line, the GPIO22 is set as the speaker output.

  • They don’t want people to innovate. Innovation is a buzzword that they use to market themselves as something other than parasites.

    Most companies want to safely follow market trends to suck away large profit margin with minimal payout to workers. If they make a product that doesn’t work, they just assert that it does and that the customer is wrong.

    That’s also why they intentionally quiet fire seniors like in the article. They don’t give a fuck about quality or innovation. They want the cheapest labor possible while hiking service/product pricing.

    They don’t want employees to be happy. They want them to be cheap and exploitable.

    That is literally the base form of businesses in the flawed reality of capitalism.

  • It’s funny because everyone arguing for phones and tablets for kids is like “hurt durr but their education”

    You know what the vast vast vast majority of kids use the phones and tablets for? Fucking sure as hell that it isn’t education.

    Addicting microtransaction games, social media, and the lowest trash YouTube channels.

    Pretty much every teacher in existence will tell you that phones for young kids have been hell and the kids can’t focus at all and have much more trouble learning.

    And every single person with any awareness at all will know that social media has been an absolute plague to kids social and mental health.

    Sure give a phone to your kid when they are 14, 15, 16. But when they are in primary school it is not needed and they are at the most risk for every bad aspect of phones.