I used to enjoy the old Joystiq site. Followed them to Engadget. Hell, I used the Joystiq url redirect bookmark until it stopped working. Might as well just delete the bookmark now, no sense it watching it slide further into irrelevancy.
I used to enjoy the old Joystiq site. Followed them to Engadget. Hell, I used the Joystiq url redirect bookmark until it stopped working. Might as well just delete the bookmark now, no sense it watching it slide further into irrelevancy.
That’s what she said.
Getting a heat pump has been on my want-to-do list for years. But even though my furnace is aging, it still works so it’s been hard to justify while there were other issues going on. Accelerating adoption is only going to make the process easier when the time comes.
This is why I own most of star trek on dvd. Cant take that away from me.
I was so disappointed when the HD remasters stopped. I snapped up TOS, Animated, TNG, and all the movies on Blu-ray (replacing DVDs in the case of the movies and TNG) despite them being available on Netflix at the time. I was really looking forward to catching up with DS9 and Voyager the same way since I was only able to catch them sporadically when they were airing… but no, it seems these are doomed to remain in SD purgatory.
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