Untied shoes won’t kill him, but he didn’t say anything about serious injury.
Untied shoes won’t kill him, but he didn’t say anything about serious injury.
flexbox is disabled
It wouldn’t be until that moment I had any suspicions I was actually in hell.
I’m on Mint 22 with current laptop hardware (Intel/Nvidia) and it’s been completely plug and play, even for gaming.
I absolutely love Mint.
When can we require that the wealthy elite be the ones who get hurt for change to happen?
Excellent point, but “would’ve”, “could’ve”, and “should’ve” sound like “would of”, “could of”, and “should of”.
So the problem doesn’t lie solely in enounciation.
making a lot of money
Am career programmer, where money?
I’m sorry, that’s growing into the nose, and it costs extra.