Its nice that you enjoy bein a dad. Do you and your other partner do equal parenting? Only One day in the work week with the kid sounds a bit odd. Maybe I am getting it wrong.
Its nice that you enjoy bein a dad. Do you and your other partner do equal parenting? Only One day in the work week with the kid sounds a bit odd. Maybe I am getting it wrong.
Glad that you feel happy. How do you know that this version of you is more happy than a version of you with kids?
Thanks for citing your resources, unlike others.
If the supreme court gives one man unrestricted power, then the justice system is broken. If the justice system is broken, the democracy is disfunctional. This is a legitimate reason to start a revolution.
I do at least one of them. Guess which.
Its good to be reminded about this. Thanks for your post!
First I wanted to fight your comment on German trains, but relative to the US you might see it that way. Let’s settle on there are trains. And they can in fact drive between cities.
No, “we” dont deserve this. Don’t confuse people with the systems they are trapped in.
90% of the offenders belong to Google & Co. So maybe its time to ditch big tech and choose better alternatives / go open source.
Organising takes time, if you dont do it together it wont work.
Also known as a general strike. All the best for you!
Two things can be true at the same time.
In fact he is the most special employee, and also a good boy. The best boy.
Ah interesting, sounds like a good model if you can find a good childcare. I think the comic refers to raising kids on your own without extra help. So it makes sense that there are fastly different experiences.