I remember when I was a small child during the summer my brother and I would stay home and we would often make a bologna and cheese sandwich and put it in the microwave for a few seconds. It was not good lol.
I remember when I was a small child during the summer my brother and I would stay home and we would often make a bologna and cheese sandwich and put it in the microwave for a few seconds. It was not good lol.
That is true enough.
They’re good games.
Not as good at motorfest imo
Indent see any point in buying this unless you’re aCG artist for movies or you have a 1070ti
Define playable
I don’t recall advocating for it. I’m just saying it’s a thing, it won’t go away either and in the US it’s more of a traditional thing than religion thing. A it was only a few decades ago where it was considered “more hygenic”.
Battle for middle earth games
I would say tradition yeah. A lot of women also don’t like uncircumcised genitals.
That’s a false claim as well you don’t lose sensitivity or function.
This is incorrect. If you lower your hood, does your body get smaller?
Mutilation is a strong word for it.
A doctor will tell you this
“What color is it?”
“Okay. If it continues for (amount of time) come back and give us more money for a sample”
Bright red = end of the colon, not serious. Hemorrhoids, colon wall blood vessel broken. I once ate a lot of sunflower seeds shells and all. Shit blood for a few days form that.
If it’s dark red it could be maybe serious. Could be IBS, blood vessels again just further up. You have to mention other symptoms.
Hi. It depends on how long you haven’t drank any sweet drinks like soda. LaCroix has a lot of flavor. But if you where to drink 2 mountain dews a day for 10 years straight you won’t taste anything but ass.
Maaaan. I kicked soda several years back and I like flavored water now lol. It’s getting a bit pricey now these days.
Have you ever seen republican responses to this stuff?
“Trumps done more than Biden has in 40 years”
“Trump has to raise prices before he can lower them!”
“Trump is for the people, he will make everything great”
" Eh…i dont really get into politics"
Trump is basically a sad fat kid in a classroom that just cries and screams when shit doesn’t go his way and then ruins everything for everyone else.
That’s how it is. I never even set up Gemini when my phone updated. I never used google assistant either.
Hey … that’s not a bad idea.