Also [email protected]
Sounds like you’d probably be on team “listen to music”?
As much as I consume memes, I’m surprised at how often I see something for the first time that everyone seems to have seen before…
For anyone who hasn’t seen it:
I didn’t until just now…
Think I should flag the post as NSFW?
Wise words, Mr. McTruth.
I always debate whether to put these in c/tenforward or here, because they’re Trek characters, but the jokes aren’t technically about Star Trek.
Today I had two of them, so I put one here and one there.
We didn’t have the internet for memes back then, so gotta make up for lost time.
I heard that sunlight causes rainbows.
This is an even better punchline than the original meme. Lol
Should have taken a lesson from captain Kirk and his beloved mountain.
I firmly believe that without lobbyists pushing us into red or blue boxes, we’d all find common ground on a lot of important issues.
I’ve known some conservatives who are very much into solar power in a sort of independent/self-sufficient/pseudo-prepper type of way.
I think the problem, as it often is, is big businesses lobbying for continued relevancy at the cost of societal progress.
Well they don’t seem to love it as much as they love coal and oil, that’s for sure, but they have been very loud about their support of nuclear in recent history.
It’s become much more bipartisan too.
Yeah, attitudes have really cooled about nuclear power over the years. We might be in a different climate position right now if we hadn’t shied away from it decades ago.
Yeah, they love it and are constantly criticizing the left for chasing renewables as a solution to our energy needs and (for the less extreme ones who accept it’s real) climate change.
I assume it’s more like a life’s purpose.
They really must have had some pros on their art team.