• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Gotta be honest about my experience with Legal Eagle. One of the first videos I ever saw of his contained an error. (Sonny Bono had nothing to do with the Copyright Act of 1976. Bono wasn’t in congress until 1995. Legal Eagle is confusing the Copyright Act of 1976 with the “Sonny Bono” Copyright Term Extension Act which was passed in 1998.)

    And maybe it’s just serendipitous that one of the first videos of his that I watched contained an error that I was able to identify immediately. And maybe the vast majority of his videos aren’t riddled with errors. But I’m no expert on law and he’s supposed to be an expert on law, and given that one of the first few facts I even heard him speak was one I could immediately identify as incorrect, it made me concerned.

    Like if I had no expertise in Chemistry beyond my high-school class 20 years ago and was able to correct someone on YouTube who claims to hold a Ph.D. in Chemistry and claims to have worked as a chemical engineer at Dow Chemical for the last 20 years that “no, actually oxygen isn’t a noble gas. Maybe you’re thinking of neon? It’s just two to the right on the periodic table from oxygen.”

  • There’s going to be an article one of these days in Business Insider or something saying “employees increasingly establishing secret outside-of-the-company communication channels and sharing trade secrets over them.” And then the companies are going to get all pissy about “muh trade secritssssss” and issue nagging emails to the whole company not to set up Discords to evade their employee monitoring solution that they pay a gorillion dollars a year for. And because it was the CEO’s idea, he can’t just back down and admit it was wrong. He has to keep doubling down.

    Meme format of Principle Skinner from The Simpsons reflecting in the first panel "Am I so out of touch?" and in the second panel saying "No, it's the employees who are wrong."