This is so cool, first MQTT-based sensor I’ve set up. Already had a broker set up with HA, but how can HA automatically discover which topic to listen to, know the vendor name and how to interpret all the data?
This is so cool, first MQTT-based sensor I’ve set up. Already had a broker set up with HA, but how can HA automatically discover which topic to listen to, know the vendor name and how to interpret all the data?
Interesting, so I guess those API-calls are just fetching the cached calendar on my HA Yellow. Wonder why it’s so slow, but I guess there’s not much to do about that then. :(
Not exactly. My main use-case here is for my girlfriend and me to see each both of our calendars in one place, and HA had support for it and is a web portal we both have access to. To do automations on them is secondary.
Currently, whenever I look at the calendar control panel it will load for a bit while pulling all the calendars, and sometimes timeout and not show anything. I believe this to be because it’s pulling from Fastmail / iCloud everytime and might be rate limited or just have a poor connection, this wouldn’t be an issue if the calendars were stored on the instance itself because then it would only miss the latest entries.
The idea that maybe I can self-host an app that does it is that if HA can’t do the caching, then maybe this self-hosted app can and it wouldn’t matter that HA fetches it remotely each time since the remote is on the same local network. Having them as separate calendars is still desirable since that gives some additional information.
They already have something kinda like this. All public wifis require that you sign in with phone number and SMS-verification. It might not be as air-tight as whatever the article is about (like a chad I only read headlines), but in practice it seems pretty darn tight IMO.
Back in the day, before streaming was a thing, there were lots of people saying that they’d gladly pay for content if it was served to them in a convenient way. But why would you pay for a worse experience (at that time physical media, often at lower quality, and lower availability) when you can get a better one for free?
Along came streaming. Lo and behold, piracy decreased. Where the fuck do you even go to pirate music anymore? All the big sites have shut down. Video piracy is kinda still going strong, probably mostly due to bullshit concerning exclusives, but it’s way less than it used to be.
Its their platform, they can do whatever they want with it I guess, but this trend is definitely gonna be a big boost to piracy.
Could be difficult. Name is a bit stained.
Why not?
Just write some content without no soul and not a shred of humanity present. I.e. use the platform as intended.