Can they get the Fed to drop the F35 contract for a European platform?
Can they get the Fed to drop the F35 contract for a European platform?
And be subject to the same issue from the Russians!?! The European initiatives (and Sweden) are a much better idea, even if they are still a generation behind.
I guess his auto-industry cheques all cleared
The Fords aren’tgreat at Making ng stuff work. They’re better at stopping things.
Can’t with them bone spurs
This is a great comment.
I think that Americans have forgotten that not everything in the world fits into US partisan politics.
“You were supposed to be the one”
It was a good idea to give Russia a seat to balance power. There probably should not be any vetos.
It didn’t include any security guarantees for Ukraine.
To be fair, he humiliated both.
The utube “militaryrated” done by a Finn called Tuomas is decent, but more focused on Scandinavia and Northern Europe.
Poor Americams can’t even afford mobile data, and have to rely on wifi. Come to the 2nd world and experience mobile freedom.
This thread kind of disproved itself
Primarily in the US you mean? Things are different in other countries. The A and in and aren’t having nearly as much difficulties with Capitalism.
The declaration is the first step in preventing government services to be offered in languages other than English.
To summarize: democracy is waning, and we have some rough times ahead, but there will be wins mixed in with the losses.
Can I reccomend for you Vlad Vexler on utube. He is a polital philosopher in the UK, whp spends most of his time dealing with this topic. He has some wonderul content which is both educated and humane.
The immigrants who are picking up the cheque, or the immigrants whose leaders are threatening to take over the country?
Get them to watch some robot war shows. Those things all have devices to flip back over.