As a non-Finn, can you stop being some utopia despite your fascist-invested government?
Programmer by day, burnt out by night.
As a non-Finn, can you stop being some utopia despite your fascist-invested government?
Don’t think that’s a big problem among 24 year olds
Hard disagree. This implies that parking abuse is worse if you have a new car than if you have an old one, and that’s just not true.
Now, if they were a percentage of income, so that it hits everyone equally (inaptly named “day fine”), I would agree!
But expensive cars also don’t imply higher income at all!
That’s why I poop on company time
This is how I type when someone is watching and I don’t know why!
I’m afraid most, if not all, of the projects listed use pride versioning, also.
I mean, it could just do very basic checking…
Not to play the devil’s advocate, but with compiled languages you can just install the language, “run” your script and it’ll work, if not the language will catch undeclared variables for you, and more. With interpreted languages you need to not only install the language but also third party tools for these fairly Barovia things.
AYY you didn’t have to do him like that though!
Me as a kid thought that.
SO and I feel the same way about each other’s body and clothes odour after not too many days.
2-3 days is the sweet spot, 1 and 4 are OK, more then 5 days is yucky again.
I like custom types and them being able to follow custom interfaces; it makes for great type safety that almost no other language can guarantee!
What I’m saying is I’m learning Rust.
For about € 1600 non-smart or € 900 smart in NL.
Nah, 1080p is good enough, even moreso at a metre or 2 from the screen!
I mean, if your monitor or TV is 1080p, why should you waste so much more storage to little-to-no visible improvement?
This, again, picks a few words and phrases from it, instead of linking it.
This does not answer OP’s question, quite the opposite so.
I can currently visit just fine from NL, even without browser cache.
Is this already resolved, or is it only a problem in some regions such as the USA?
This straight up makes it look like a Resident Evil-esque horror game.
Don’t (really) let the owners set a price, have the (min and max) price set based on objective factors such as square metres of floor and the amount of schools, shops etc. nearby, as set by the government instead of by the highest bidder.