OSS software gets abandoned way more often than acquired proprietary stuff.
OSS software gets abandoned way more often than acquired proprietary stuff.
I use Sonarr to handle naming so I’d imagine this wouldn’t play nicely with it right?
I struggled for a long time to find a way to have One Piece to show in Jellyfin with the absolute episode numbers, and even though I found a way it wasn’t worth the tradeoff for me. I now just deal with TVDB organizing (S22E37 which is actually E1122 for instance) and just be at peace with it.
Wow so if I understand right, the app now supports intro skipping and (roughly) trick play?? This is huge 😍
I’m sad the locking issue just barely missed the cut:
Glad that’s getting sorted though it’s been a huge pain point for me.
I’m lazy and use a Discord webhook to a special channel.
OMG! This was driving me nuts yesterday and I thought it was because I had just rerun docker compose and couldn’t figure it out. I ran a full recursive permission change on the jellyfin directory and reran the Ansible playbook and thought I fixed it. Turns out it just updated 10.9.6 when I reran the playbook, lmao
Jellyseerr is about to add Postgres support which is sweet if you run in any kind of cluster configuration like kubernetes.