If you’re snooping here, you gotta calm yoself down.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • Don’t think they mean sharing data. I think they’re referring to sharing an equally regulated digital environment. That could totally be done without sharing info, but following equal practices.

    Really at this point, the lack of regulation is already killing the Internet. Google search isn’t search anymore, it’s ad delivery. Reddit and Facebook are ‘news’ for a huge majority of people. Amazon is essentially the only online retailer people have available, and where other options exist, Amazon uses it’s leverage to make those other experiences just a bit worse. All of these companies use their size and monopolistic weight to prevent competition and by extension worsen consumer options and create worse experiences.

    The digital market is doing what any market does, just a lot faster.

  • To me, this seems like a big misstep for Apple. Granted I’m no fanboy, but I’ve appreciated Apple’s design and products over the last few decades. This to me just seems half baked. And that’s not something I expected from Apple’s hardware. I personally don’t think I’ll ever wear a computer on my face for more than 30 minutes at a time. Even if the weight goes down dramatically, it’s just not a convenient experience. The last thing I need with my technology is more inconvenience.

  • I moved away from chrome over a year ago, once they started talking about blocking ad blockers. Firefox works great, easily imports your passwords and bookmarks, and supports all the ad block extensions I like.

    Google feels ok in doing this due to their dominating share in the browser market. In reality, the most influential users of their products will end up finding alternatives, and never coming back. These users tend to convince other users to follow. It’ll be a slow downturn unless Google ramps up their efforts, but it’ll happen.

  • Seriously. Dark patterns are the bane of my existence. And this isn’t exclusive to mobile games, but mobile games in my opinion are some of the most nefarious due to the way they constantly try to “reward” players for taking certain actions designed to get you to interact with their stupid fuckin currencies, which are also designed to disassociate from real money, all to get you thinking it’s ok to give up some of your hard earned cash to level up a fuckin stick or some stupid shit.