The Biden administration on Thursday asserted its authority to seize the patents of certain costly medications in a new push to slash high drug prices and promote more pharmaceutical competition.
The administration unveiled a framework outlining the factors federal agencies should consider in deciding whether to use a controversial policy, known as march-in rights, to break the patents of drugs that were developed with federal funds but are not widely accessible to the public. For the first time, officials can now factor in a medication’s price — a change that could have big implications for drugmakers depending on how the government uses the powers.
“When drug companies won’t sell taxpayer-funded drugs at reasonable prices, we will be prepared to allow other companies to provide those drugs for less,” White House National Economic Advisor Lael Brainard said during a call with reporters Wednesday.
They do, it’s just that that ecosystem is owned by the same vested interests and so it churns a cacaphony of criticism aimed at making the left feel no accomplishment is good enough and no effort is far enough.
I’m not sure brainwashing is the right way to go here idk 🤔
We don’t need a Fox “news” equivalent for Democrats that pumps out propaganda (your term used above) and traps Democrats into an echo chamber.
I mean we already have some fairly biased left leaning news outlets. Nothing like Fox or OANN or Breitbart.
Still, I would like to get rid of heavily biased propaganda outlets because – yes – they basically brainwash their listers with various techniques.