So I’m walking to an evening class at a local college, it’s dark. There’s a bend just before the junction and as I’m walking across a car comes round way too fast. I had to step back to avoid being hit. I was wearing gloves and as it went past I hit it, no idea why, just instinct and anger.

I carry on walking and I see the driver has pulled over a bit down the road, I was expecting a “sorry are you ok” but she instead shouted “did you just hit my car?”. That set me off, shouting at her that she almost fucking ran me over. Then she says “you don’t have to use that kind of language”, the fucking nerve.

Gave up and just walked off. Wish I’d have smashed the wing mirror or keyed the car or something.

Has anyone else almost been run over and how do you deal with the anger of it?

    15 days ago

    SUVs are the most dangerous vehicles.

    I’ve had cars hit several times by SUVs reversing (in fairness, most were well before backup cameras became standard). “I didn’t see you.” Yeah, no shit.

    The most recent one was in broad daylight, they backed into my red car. How do you miss a red car in daylight? I also noted that the car is as tall as the average 10 year old, so if my car is in danger, then so are children.

    Logical conclusion: SUVs are unsafe to back up, so they shouldn’t have reverse.

    I said this at lunch one day to a group of friends, and one of the SUV-driving friends got offended. A few months later her SUV was in the shop for repairs after she …backed into some trash cans she couldn’t see. And hers was one of the smaller ones, like a RAV4 or something.