It’s a portmanteau, actually. 👨🏫 A portmanteau is a word formed by merging the sounds and meanings of two different words.
Thanks mister male!
This is a more accurate comment, you can tell because the spelling is correct and the content is plausible.
Thanks ChatGPT!
Ah man, I was hoping someone would explain the explanation of the explanation for some laughs… But noooooooooo…
I think that makes the meme more accurate, it’s almost not mansplaining if it’s not also subtly but confidently wrong.
Hey now, mansplaining does have its uses…
(Fyi condoms are not the most effective)
Well, not anymore!
Not yet at least in freedom-land
Which on is (apart from mansplaining)?
From the comments so far: being an ugly gay man with a vasectomy.
who also likes scissoring
being ugly
Contraceptive implant.
See table under ‘Effectiveness’: use failure rate during first year:
- contraceptive implant 0.05%
- vasectomy 0.15%
- IUD 0.8%
- pill 7%
- male condom 13%
So yeah, an IUD “spiral”. AKA “coil” as they are apparently called in English.
Bruh i hate it so much when someone ASKS ME a question and when im explaining they say im mansplaining. Also apperently if youre an expert in a subject and happen to be man and explain something in that field to someone thats mansplaining.
Similarly, I hate it when you’re excitedly rambling on about your hobby and someone claims you’re mansplaning.
Early in my career (office job), I was standing in the cubes and 2 coworkers (a man and a woman, neither had children) were having a conversation about parenting, the man turns to me to directly ask me for my thoughts since I was the only one of us 3 who had kids (he said this out loud), and as I was answering, the woman interrupted me to complain that I was mansplaining parenting.
She’s an outlier in that workplace though. Just a jerk.
Shut up penis!
But then you get to mansplain mansplaining! That’s my hobby. My daughter loves it.
I’m a new dad and I get womansplained now a lot. “You need to tip the bottle so there’s milk in the nipple of it” was a recent one
How rude of them to explain to you how to properly feed whiskey to a baby.
The proper way is with cigars and Motörhead
My husband is a stay-at-home, homeschooling dad with LOTS of parenting experience, thanks to fostering for over 10 years and having six permanent kids between the ages of 11 and 31. We call it momsplaining when some other homeschool mom with only 1-2 kids tries to tell him how to parent our infant foster son.
My girlfriend is using the word “mansplaining” incorrectly and I don’t know what to do about it.
Maybe you can explain the correct usage to her.
I once heard a woman complain about another woman “mansplaining” depression to her. In my head, I was just “sure. whatever”.
I was always scared my infodumping would be called that. But now I’m socially transitioned so I can infodump to my heart’s content!
Can you explain socially transitioned to me? I could look it up myself but something tells me you’d like to explain it and I’d get a more nuanced take on it.
In public I present as my correct gender, I am no longer hiding it nor in an in-between state.
Hope you feel more like you.
Thank you. As the inventor of the term “mansplaining”, I had no idea and would have remained ignorant if you hadn’t explained this.
Ugh… I can’t stand this. But Skeletor is just the right person to do it.
Is skeletor actually a male? Does he have a penis or is it just bones down there?
What is it to you? Why are you questioning the arch-enemy of Eternia?
C’mon now, you are on 196 you should know penis ≠ man
He doesn’t have anything there since he’s a skeleton, and humans don’t have bones in their genitals
Was skeletor born a skeleton?
Behold: a woman!
Perhaps Obelix fell into the Genderfluid?
Mansplain Manipulate Male-pattern baldness
Ah yes. Very wordy.
The body builder with claws and a skull for a face is the character, Skeletor from He-Man for those of you not aware. Or maybe you recognize him from She-Ra? Was Skeletor in She-Ra? I don’t know I never watched that show.
He made brief appearances, I think. She-Ra is He-Man’s sister who lives in another dimension, and I vaguely remember occasional crossovers. Hordak was her regular big-bad, though. I’m sure there’s a MotU nerd in here somewhere who knows better than me.
I just don’t help anyone anymore, nobody calls you names
Did you just skeleplain mansplaning to me?