Ive been wanting to get proper storage for my lil server running nextcloud and a couple other things, but nc is the main concern. Its currently running on an old ssd ive had laying around so i would want a more reliable longer term solution.

So thinking of a raid1 (mirror) hdd setup, with two 5400rpm 8tb drives, bringing the choices down to ironwolf or wd red plus, which both are in the same price range.

Im currently biased towards the ironwolfs because they are slightly cheaper and have a cool print on them, but from reddit threads ive seen that wd drives are generally quieter, which currently is a concern since the server is in my bedroom.

Does anyone have experience with these two drives and or know better solutions?

Oh and for the os, being a simple linux server, is it generally fine to have that on a separate drive, an ssd in this case?

Thanks! :3

    • paperd@lemmy.zip
      2 months ago

      Western Digital, among other things, has been selling SMR drives using CMR SKUs. So if you’re building something and wanted specific performance, and selected some WD drives based on what the SKU says, you might end up with SMR drives, which are not nearly as performnt. It was a bate and switch tactic and they never really acknowledged it except for making the “red pro” line of drives, which are CMR. Regular “red” drives are SMR now.


      • Midnight Wolf@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Ehh, this practice has stopped - they now label their drives properly on their website/tech specs. I was one of the affected users when I went to raid1 for my 10tb disk (bought ~6mo apart, second drive affected) and I was fucking pissed, as I’ve read mixing CMR and SMR in raid is a recipe for disaster. I straight up told the CS rep that ‘you send me a CMR drive and take the SMR, or I will join the class action lawsuit and never be a WD customer again’. I received a CMR model next day, and they received their SMR drive back.

        They pissed me off, but they did the correct response and resolution. I have continued to buy WD since the incident.

          • Midnight Wolf@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            One-time, where I risk losing 8TB of data that, at the time, I did not have a complete backup of: abso-fucking-lutely. That they handled my situation with speed and without any further bullshit is why I remain a customer.

            I have a list of companies that I will not do business with, because of their fuckups, because of shady business tactics, etc. For example, I haven’t bought anything from Nvidia in… 18 years? iRobot, in 7. Haven’t given Hilton any funds willingly in almost 3. Intel, 19 years…

            I don’t purchase any SanDisk products so 🤷‍♂️