what if your name is donald j. trump or vladimir vladimirovich putin?
Stop bringing politics into every damn conversation! People should be able to discuss
topics that have nothing to do with politics without being infected with that nonsense
brain-rot bullshit. Fuck! There is more to life than politics.
Always do what you want to do, what makes you happy.
Unless what you’re doing involves making other people unhappy.
Yeah… don’t go around making people unhappy. That’s not a treehouse you wanna live in.
Well ya seeeeeee
Of course, why not ?
what if your name is donald j. trump or vladimir vladimirovich putin?
Stop bringing politics into every damn conversation! People should be able to discuss
topics that have nothing to do with politics without being infected with that nonsense
brain-rot bullshit. Fuck! There is more to life than politics.
let me do what makes me happy, i want to bring politics into every damn conversation.
But it’s making me unhappy!
I totally agree with zrqw !
If only there was some way to express that without adding noise to the thread and publicly patting yourself on the back.