Yes. I have a buddy who is this person. I’m not kidding.
He is a big Star Trek fan, but he is also literally the only T.J. Hooker fan that I’ve ever met, and he was a T.J. Hooker fan before he was a Star Trek fan. (It’s worth noting we’re both in our late 40s.)
Coming across this randomly on a Wednesday evening renews my faith in The Internet. I was starting to think the whole thing was a bad idea. Thank you!
Seeing a lot of talk on here about keeping Standard or DST.
Oh my God for the love of all that’s holy just let them pick one!
I don’t care if the sun comes up at 2:00am or 2:00pm or even if the sun fuckin’ sets at 12:00 noon. Just pick a time and stick with it. Holy shitsnax.