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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • i donā€™t agree with that definition of creativeā€¦ thereā€™s lots of engineering work thatā€™s creative: writing code and designing systems can be a very creative process, but doesnā€™t involve feelingā€¦ itā€™s problem solving, and thats a creative process. youā€™re narrowly defining creativity as artistic expression of emotion, however thereā€™s lots of ways to be creative

    now, i think thats a bit of a strawman (so iā€™ll elaborate on the broader point), but i think its important to define terms

    i agree we should be skeptical of marketing hype for sure: the type of creativity that i believe ML is currently capable of is directionless. it doesnā€™t understand what itā€™s creatingā€¦ but the truth lies somewhere in the middle

    ML is definitively creating something new that didnā€™t exist before (in fact iā€™d say that its trouble with hallucinations of language are a good example of that: it certainly didnā€™t copy those characters/words from anywhere!)ā€¦ this fits the easiest definition of creative: marked by the ability or power to create

    the far more difficult definition is: having the quality of something created rather than imitated

    the key here being ā€œrather than imitatedā€ which is a really hard thing to prove, even for humans! which is why our copyright laws basically say that if you have evidence that you created something first, you pretty much win: we donā€™t really try to decide whether something was created or imitated

    with things like transformative works or things that are similar, itā€™s a bit more of a grey areaā€¦ but the argument isnā€™t about whether something is an imitation; rather itā€™s argued about how different the work is from the original

  • thatā€™s a lack of understanding of concepts though, rather than a lack of creativityā€¦ curation requires that you understand the concept that youā€™re trying to curate: this looks more like a dog than this; this is a more attractive sunset than this

    current LLMs and ML donā€™t understand concepts, which is their main issue

    id argue that it kind of does ā€œthink about its own thoughtsā€ to some degree: modern ML is layered, and each layer of the net feeds into the nextā€¦ one layer of the net ā€œthinks aboutā€ the ā€œthoughtsā€ of the previous layer. now, it doesnā€™t do this as a whole but neither do we: memories and neural connections are lossy; heck even creating a creative work isnā€™t going to turn out exactly like you thought it in your head (your muscle memory and skill level will effect the translation from brain to paper/canvas/screen)

    but even we hallucinate in the same way. donā€™t look at a bike, and then try and draw a bikeā€¦ youā€™ll get general things like pedals, wheels, seat, handlebars, but itā€™ll be all connected wrong. this is a common example people use to show how our brains arenā€™t as precise and we might like to thinkā€¦ drawing a bike requires a lot of very specific things to be in very specific places and thatā€™s not how our brain remembers the concept of ā€œbikeā€

  • mastodon can do default instances because they have the account migration processā€¦ i totally agree this is a great solution: get people in with sane defaults, and then let people move once they know how it works

    there will be plenty of people that donā€™t move (or maybe thatā€™s solvable too: analyse your toots and suggest a more niche instance after 2mo?) but iā€™m not sure thatā€™s a huge problem if your ā€œdefault instanceā€ is more of a random choice from a list of sane defaults

  • ā€œevenā€ā€¦ i think redditā€™s follow ups were least likely to succeed because they were the least organic!

    place was special (at first) because it was a bunch of people with no time to plan and prepareā€¦ it was humans doing human things with all the limitations and creativity that came with that

    other iterations of place were bots and pre-planned ā€œstake our claimā€ rather than making something interesting and differentā€¦ it was kinda all just the same as the last one but with subtle ā€œmeme of the momentā€ tweaks

  • are you saying that itā€™s weird that lemmy users canā€™t see the votes, or that kbin users can?

    iā€™d agree that itā€™s weird that lemmy users canā€™t see votes, however i can see the argument:

    people have said that their votes should be private, and that if votes canā€™t be private (letā€™s make that assumption for the moment because thatā€™s the way the core communication of the network works) then at least it shouldnā€™t be trivial to get access to that information

    thatā€™s a valid position to take

    the counter is that if the information is public, simply making it slightly more difficult to access only hurts the people who wouldnā€™t use that information for nefarious purposes anywayā€¦ and by hiding the information, you simply make people less aware that the information is actually public!

    lemmy users tend to be unaware that votes are public information, whilst kbin users seem to have more of an understanding of that. iā€™d say that knowledge helps people act accordingly

    thereā€™s also the ā€œletā€™s change the protocol so votes are truly privateā€ discussion, which is also valid but a far bigger effort, and is also against some of the values of the fediverse (that everything is transparent)