I just wanted to confirm from our meeting just now, did you want me to (some crazy shit that could cause problems)?

  • 13 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • Yeah. People already sell laptops; this is basically a super expensive laptop with a fancy screen and a janky custom OS. But having this as an app for your phone, that let you pop other apps up into the heads-up virtual display or have “full screen” access to certain functionality while still supporting all your regular stuff, would be pretty different. So it can make your phone “laptop like” any time you wanted to pop the glasses on, or pop little notifications into the corner of your vision, maybe with a couple of little buttons on the glasses for “expand notification” “clear notification” “clear all” “up” “down” “minimize” “maximize”, something like that, would be super neat. And then any time you want to break out the keyboard you can use it like a computer.

    (I know the permissions and app compatibility and battery life etc would make that not necessarily trivial to do)

  • They took the guy who led the legendary team that made the search not only work instantly at a previously unimaginable scale, but also freakishly well from a “finding exactly what you wanted based on almost any query,” back in the late 2000s, if you remember… that guy, when he started pushing back against the people who wanted to fuck up search results to boost imaginary metrics that were theoretically (and, probably, not really) going to make more money from ads, they pushed him out.

    This absolutely excellent article goes into detail about the exact moment, if you had to pick one, when Google stopped being a legendary tech company and simply became yet another behemoth coasting on its past successes until the market changes under it and it can’t adapt, fades, and takes its place with all the others, all the way back to IBM and DEC. Nothing’s changed in a big enough way for it to get knocked back into that obscurity yet, but it clearly will at some point.

  • So, I saw this story and I typed a comment about how it was pretty much guaranteed (given Musk’s cutting of the engineering department and the scale of Twitter’s operation) that this would cause some slight amount of breakage for the forseeable future, and the unfixable and unflattering nature of the ensuing jank would be the nail in the coffin for Twitter (which for some reason still is home to a lot of journalists and primary sources and etc even to this day in its wrecked-up form).

    Then I thought, you know what, I don’t actually know that that’s how it’ll happen, and deleted the comment and moved on with my day.

    And then just now I just tried to click on a Twitter link, and saw a black page with this:

    Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.

    (Button: “Try Again”)

    ⚠️ Firefox’s Enhanced Tracking Protection (Strict Mode) is known to cause issues on x.com

    Oh shit, it must be Firefox’s fault! Yeah, must be causing issues. My bad man, you’re right; I guess I will need to switch browsers now so I can have the privilege of using Twitter.

  • Yeah, makes sense, that’s a little different. In that case there is actually congestion on the trunk that makes things slow for the customers.

    My point I guess is that the people who want to sell a “fast lane” to their customers, or want to say Net Neutrality is the reason your home internet is slow when you’re accessing North America, are lying. Neutrally-applied traffic shaping to make things work is allowed, of course; just want to throttle their competitors and they’re annoyed that the government is allowed to tell them not to.

  • Incorrect, and that was exactly my point

    This is like saying that if the fruit at a store is rotten sometimes, it’s not the grocer’s fault, because the fruit had to come a long way and went bad in transit. The exact job you are paying the ISP for, is to deal with the hops and give you good internet. It’s actually a lot easier at the trunk level (because the pipes are bigger and more reliable and there are more of them / more redundancy and predictability and they get more attention.)

    I won’t say there isn’t some isolated exception, but in reality it’s a small small small minority of the time. Take an internet connection that’s having difficulty getting the advertised speed and run mtr or something, and I can almost guarantee that you’ll find that the problem is near one or the other of the ends where there’s only one pipe and maybe it’s having hardware trouble or individually underprovisioned or something.

    Actually Verizon deliberately underprovisioning Netflix is the exception that proves the rule – that was a case where it actually was an upstream pipe that wasn’t big enough to carry all the needed traffic, but it was perfectly visible to them and they could easily have solved it if they wanted to, and chose not to, and the result was visibly different from normal internet performance in almost any other case.

  • “Fast lanes” have always been bullshit.

    If you’re paying for 100mbps, and the person you’re talking to is paying for 100mpbs, and you’re not consistently getting 100mbps between you, then at least one of you is getting ripped off. This reality where you can pay extra money to make sure the poors don’t get in the way of your packets has never been the one we live in.

    Of course, there are definitely people who are getting ripped off, but “fast lanes” are just an additional avenue by which to rip them off a little more; not a single provider who’s currently failing to provide the speed they advertise is planning to suddenly spend money fixing that and offering a new tier on their suddenly-properly-provisioned internet, if only net neutrality would go away.

    As Bill Burr said, I don’t know all the ins and outs, but I know you’re not trying to make less money.

  • API docs are at https://lemmy.readme.io/reference/get_post-list - I haven’t tested this, but to me it looks like you can get raw results for what you’ve liked by doing this (for $server set to whatever server address):

    1. Open web developer tools and go to the “Network” tab
    2. Load a page of Lemmy while logged in
    3. Right-click on one of the network requests, select Copy Value -> Copy as curl
    4. Paste the resulting value to command line in a place that has curl; that’ll give you a request that has the right auth tokens and etc
    5. Backspace over the actual URL so you can replace it with the API calls you need
    6. Use --request GET --url "https://$server/api/v3/post/list?liked_only=true" --header 'accept: application/json' to get liked posts as JSON
    7. Use --request GET --url "https://$server/api/v3/comment/list?liked_only=true" --header 'accept: application/json' to get liked comments as JSON

    Edit: Fixed comment link