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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • I think you’re completely right with that assessment. Journalist used to be a reputable profession. And explaining things and processing raw information into something that can be consumed by the reader, deemed important. Especially getting it right. There is a whole process to it if you do it professionally. And curating content and deciding what is significant and gets an audience is equally as important.

    Doing away with all of that is like replacing your New York Times with your 5-year-old and whatever she took from watching the news.

  • Uh yeah, I’m not sure. I’ve tried summarizing with AI tools. And there is the bot here on Lemmy that summarizes stuff… I never liked any of that. It’s really a mixed bag, from pretty okay summaries to entirely missing the point of the original article to bordering on false information. I think we’re far from there yet. However, it’s a common use-case for AI. Maybe in 1-2 years I can stop being afraid of misinformation being fed to me. Currently, I think the incorrectness of the information still outweighs any potential benefit. The more complicated it gets, thus making you in need of a summary in the first place, the more biased and skewed the results get. So I don’t see that happen in the very near future. But we definitely should keep up doing the research and pushing that.

    Tagging and organizing is something I’d like an AI for.

  • Judging by the comments here, I’d say it isn’t working. (That doesn’t mean it’s necessarily your fault at this point.)

    All I want to say is: You and the people outright attacking you here are setting the tone of the conversation. I don’t feel entitled to lecture anyone on how to spend their time on the internet. For me, this thread is too toxic and not my vision of what Lemmy should be like.

    Unfortunately, the really toxic people have arrived here, targeting you and spreading hate. I don’t think this going to become a productive conversation after that. And I really don’t have good advice here. I’m going to flag the comments that are hatred and then I’m out. I’m going to focus on some more productive things somewhere else. I wish you the best. Hope Lemmy strives to become a space for diverse opinions, constructive debate and not hatred and small-mindedness.

  • People of Lemmy,

    I see more and more toxic behaviour here. I get that this war/conflict gets to us. And everyone has strong opinions and the debate is emotional. But it reminds me more of the toxic atmosphere that used to be part of Twitter.

    I suppose the mods of political communities are having a bad day since the conflict escalated. And they are part of the debate, sometimes maybe making their decisions emotional, instead of neutral and based on reason alone. I -personally- think a 30-day is a lot, even if it is spreading misinformation. But I didn’t have a look at the facts here.

    Judging by your comments in general, you seem quite an argumentative person. I usually don’t like people focusing on negativity and (for example) debunking a single argument out of a post and then concluding they’re right and someone else is entirely wrong. It leads to us having unproductive and stressful conversations, once we manoeuvre ourselves to opposing sides that lose the ability to communicate productively and grasp the bigger picture and the context that things are set in.

    So. Please whoever is in the right or wrong, make Lemmy a nice place and not a clone of the toxicity and argumentativeness on Twitter. And don’t yell at people too much.

    OP, please be aware you’re often a very argumentative person and a big part of your way of talking to people is opposing them.