Giver of skulls

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Joined 101 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 1923

  • Votes federate, but only for communities followed. I won’t see your votes in a community that I don’t follow, but I can see when you upvoted or downvoted what post in the community.

    A scraper could simply follow every community on a Lemmy server and, barring Lemmy performance issues, will receive all comments and votes.

    Just a quick and dirty SQL query of which votes of yours are in my server’s database:

    select comment_like.score as score,comment_like.published as when, person.actor_id as who, comment.ap_id as what from comment_like join person on = comment_like.person_id join comment on = comment_like.comment_id where person.actor_id = '' order by comment_like.published desc; 

    The same info is also available for posts, of course, I just didn’t want to bother making the query any longer.

    Server admins/mods on Lemmy also have a button to see who upvoted and downvoted each post. This is just the inverse of that.

  • Why would they need threads for that? A whole bunch of companies are already doing that without running actual social media services.

    They can analyse your likes and you wouldn’t even know it. All they need to do is follow the same servers you do here on Lemmy. On Mastodon they can set up a basic puppet domain, follow every user they can find, and then your Mastodon server will deliver your posts, likes, and re-tweet for them, no scraping or interaction necessary.

    If you’re trying not to get analysed, the Fediverse is not for you. It’s simply not designed for privacy.

  • A factor in favour of jet fuel is that as the plane burns fuel if becomes lighter, thus consuming less fuel. Batteries stay the same weight. The difference between a full plane and an empty plane can be 18 metric tonnes. Super cheap operators tend to carry only a small extra margin of fuel over the amount technically necessary to make a trip, because it makes a real difference.

    That means the energy density you need in this comparison isn’t really linear. If you’re doing Taylor Swift flights to the couch and back, you can save a lot of weight by having a minimal amount of fuel in the tank, but with an electric plane you’ll always have to have the full battery in case you need to go somewhere further away.

  • Apple does actually build quite a few privacy preserving technologies into its operating system. The only unique identifier they intend to provide is the ID that the “we want to stalk you” prompts are referring to.

    Tracking companies have proven to find new ways to track users, unfortunately, but they are trying their very best. Something you can’t say of Microsoft or Google.

    As far as Apple has been capable of so far, the only unique device identifier apps on their platform can get access to is the one that you need to accept a prompt for. However, they know damn well that there are ways of fingerprinting devices that they can’t prevent (without fucking up the user experience) so it would be dishonest to pretend that saying “no” blocks these attempts.

    Apps requiring accounts to be useful, for instance, can be tracked by the user ID on the app’s end. That’s not something Apple can ever prevent through technical means.

  • You need to ask because Apple can’t enforce on an API level that apps don’t track you. Less vague language may lure people into a false sense of security. In theory Apple should be safeguarding you from malicious apps, in practice they regularly turn a blind eye once an app is big enough that an app not working becomes a problem for Apple rather than for the app developers.

    I also think the language in that prompt is very much intentional. Apple doesn’t want apps to track their users, so I think they’ve added an ick-factor to the prompt. On Android, buttons are labels with things like “allow” or “deny”.

    The only way to get rid of the tracking system is to make it interesting for companies to stop tracking you. 1 star rating + uninstall + switch to a competitor is the best you can do.