• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Am I sharing my IP address/ location with my host instance?

    You share your IP Address with ANY online service you interact with. This is how it talks back to you to send you content.

    is there a log of my view history

    Not by default. However, enabling verbose logging on the webserver can indeed log this information. Just- not in a pretty way.

    are there general privacy concerns that I am not thinking of?

    Anytime you comment, post, or vote, that data is stored in a database and sent to every other instance subscribed to the community for which you are interacting with, and then stored in their database as well.

    So- tldr; lemmy isn’t really a privacy-focused place. Although, its honestly not much different then reddit. Reddit logs EVERYTHING you do, and then shares that data with third parties for the purpose of advertising.

    Although, there isn’t anything in place in lemmy to prevent this data from doing the same thing. Silently, and without you knowing.

  • The blockchain would just add the ability to verify somebody said, what it says they said.

    Ie- if I say, hey, towerful is a great person. A blockchain could be leverage to ensure that that was said by me.

    It does have a use- but, there is a big price to pay for using it, in terms of complexity, performance, and sized used.

    In this case, I would call it unnecessary overhead, unless we determine there is foul play occuring at the point of centralization.

    Edit- Although, it is still possible for users to sign messages, and still use a centralized location. That gives the best of both worlds, without the needless added complexity.

  • I am in agreeance with you, regarding the usefulness of the posts. However- I am looking at it from an administrative perspective.

    Going back to my stance- I do not limit the content my users wish to see, UNLESS, it involves illegal, or extremist/hateful content.

    It’s not my cup of tea- but, I am also running an instance for people who may share different viewpoints, and I do not wish to limit what they are able to do.