I think this is more appropriate for the new Starbucks CEO.
Billionaires gonna billion.
Starbucks ceo is richer, and a
menman, we should make more memes about him.Every difference in treatment between two people based on gender is sexism
And exclusively focusing on Taylor when there is recent examples of others doing much worse is a great example of this. Such as Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Leonardo DiCaprio who all use their private jets in just as wasteful horrendous ways. Much like how all the star wars fans decided Kathleen Kennedy or “Darth Kennedy” was the main reason the new movies were bad, ignoring the directors and writers with more control.
I’m not here to defend Taylor, couldn’t care less about her, not at all a fan and fuck all billionaires. But you have to ignore centuries of history, gender discrimination and patriarchal control to cite sexism like this. There is a rich history of double standards and women being criticized for the exact same thing men do. The overwhelming majority of private jets are used by men in their 50’s, but somehow Taylor Swift is the eternal meme fodder for it?
Yup. So many shitty billionaires out there, but they focus on one of the decent ones.
Buncha haters! If I were as rich as her I’d take a private flight to 7-11 down the street if I could. I would take a flight to another country just to eat dinner and come back.
Private jets used by the ultra-rich and boiling us alive. We are the frog in the pan and climate change deniers can’t tell that the temperatures are rising, even though scientists are screaming at them.
Yeah that .9% of all CO2 emissions is really the reason. You should probably also stop using phones and computers and electricity. Did you know factories that produce most of the things you use on a daily basis create more pollution than private jets. Boiling us alive lol.
It’s low-hanging fruit.
We can cut nearly a percent from asking 1:1,000 people not to use their private jets.
In 4 hours a private jet introduces as much CO2 as the average person does from all sources in a year.
By banning private air travel we can reduce carbon emissions dramatically with virtually no social cost.
I don’t disagree with you at all. It’s just not realistic. Private jets will never be outlawed. The people who vote on that are donated by rich people who fly private jets exclusively. Will never happen. I think the only thing that COULD happen is a maximum amount private jets can fly a year. A few different ways that can be accomplished but we don’t need to go into that here.