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fucking nazi asshole piece of shit
Wait, are we allowed to call them Nazis yet? Or is it still unnecessary vitriol?
Once they start openly heiling, yeah, that’s allowed.
They don’t like the socialist part.
Could people please just read a little bit of history before commenting on it? Please?
Yes, the full formal name of the Nazi party was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers’ Party). Yes that name has “socialist” in it.
But you know what? North Korea is the 조선민주주의인민공화국 (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea). Are we to take it as read, then, that you think North Korea is democratic? (Or that it gives a shit about the People?) No?
Extrapolate that to the Nazis.
It’s well known in history circles that extend one micro-step away from simplistic high school history that the word “socialist” was put into the Nazi Party’s name because they were trying, in their early days, to siphon members from other socialist groups. This is called “branding”. You label yourself in ways that makes you sound like what people want, get them on your side, then turn into what you want. Do you want another example for a political party instead of a nation? Canada’s old “Progressive Conservative Party of Canada” would be a case in point. I mean the name is a literal contradiction in terms, but I guess because it says “progressive” they must have been a progressive party, right? RIGHT!?
Here are a few more names that are flat-out lies:
- Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (neither liberal, nor democratic)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (just like the DPRK, this place isn’t even remotely democratic)
- The United States Taxpayers Party (now Constitution Party, was never about Taxpayers and always about what would now be alt-right policies)
- The Sustainable Australia Party (named like it’s about the environment, is really anti-immigration)
- The American Independent Party (named to fool people into thinking they’re registering as independents, but is really a far right party)
- The Social Democratic Party (sounds left-wing, but is really centrists who broke off from the UK’s Labour Party)
That list could go on for a very long time, but I hope by now you can understand how anybody who actually opened a history book would laugh at “the socialist part”.
All true. But this doesn’t contradict the fact that Republicans still don’t like the word socialist.
Nope. He was just awkwardly swatting at a fly or something.
My grandfather used to kill Nazis. Seems like history is repeating itself.
It used to be okay to kill Nazi’s on sight, as they are not only a threat to National Security, but a threat to humane values itself. Our grandfathers watched people die in droves for the chance to kill a Nazi. Now? You’ll probably be shot or arrested by police for killing a Nazi.
Now? You’ll probably be shot or arrested by police for killing a Nazi.
Yes of course. Nazis are going to protect their own.
Wow. I was willing to believe that the still pictures were just perfectly timed to make it look like something it wasn’t. But it totally is a Nazi salute.
Yeah, this was the first time I saw it in motion. How anyone could try to spin this as anything else is wild. We’re to the part in 1984 where we’re told to reject the evidence of our eyes and ears…
The ADL is defending him. Bootlickers.
Fuck the ADL
I was on the fence about them for past shenanigans but this is the final nail in the coffin. My friends are now telling me that musk did not, in fact do a Nazi salute because his fingers weren’t pointed the right way
Ask your friends why they’re so familiar with the proper performance of the nazi salute.
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You should get footage of all those moments. Be neat to see em all lined up. Write up a nice summary of the context for each one.
Almost like taking still shots of someone in motion can make them look like they’re doing crazy shit… So how about you make them gifs instead so we can see the context?
Also, make sure to add this one:
There’s video kiddo.
He did it more than once. With zeal.
It was not a still image captured as he waved to the crowd. No matter how much you want it to be.
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Oh no here comes the downvotes because this place is exactly like Reddit.
Googled it earlier to see, says the heart motion is never involved, that’s the American pledge salute
Nobody does the Bellamy salute anymore and I want you think think very hard about why.
No need to think. One can just read:
Edit: I’ll keep the links, but I must call spade a spade: Elon did the nazi salute. Period.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_salute (also known as Fascist salute)
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Show me a video of them throwing and holding any kind of salute and not waving. You can skip Hillary.
What’s that mean, skip the one you know I’d find first? Whatever, bud, done here with you.
Quit trying to muddy the waters - we have eyes and everyone knows that Musk is a Nazi.
And yet I just uploaded video of HITLER touching his heart before raising his hand. Looks like your Google skills kind of suck.
Point one finger upwards at their face.
the ADL is a zionist organization that supports genocide. they’re not bootlickers. they’re the sole of the boot itself.
ADL do not care about anti semitism at all. Their only concern is anti zionism.
Zionism is the same kind of ideology as Nazis, just with different “superior races” (“the chosen people”) whom they claim to represent and sub-humans (“human animals”) whom they claim to be both inferior and a danger to them.
So it’s absolutely natural for a pro-Zionist organization to side with other Nazi-like ideologies as long as the “superior” and “subhuman” ethnicities of both do not collide, and in this case they both share the view of the Northern African Islamic people as subhumans and they probably see their own “superior” races as being a kind of White - so White Jews and White Christians (if you have any doubt of this for the Zionist side, go check out how Israel treats Ethiopian Jews).
just to give historical context, Germany, Japan and Italy supported each other in their nazi-fascism for the exatc reason you already said. So there is no surprise that it is happening again with America and Israel
Even Hilter has his Jewish supporters Verband nationaldeutscher Juden
History doesn’t always rhyme sometimes it repeats the exact beats.
Just when I thought the ADL couldn’t be anymore useless, here’s REAL Anti-Semitism and they’re not doing anything about it.
They just figure that this time, Jews will be far down enough on the list of “first they came for…” that MAGA will burn itself out before it gets to them.
That’s sadly a viable strategy if you’re cis.
I mean, i didn’t have Latina’s calling it nazi and Jews being like “nuh uh” on my 2025 bingo card
Worse than not doing anything about it, they’re excusing it
You guys are lucky to have AOC. I’m a non-American that only knows her from memes and screenshots like this but I’m a fan. Especially compared to all the other dead fish.
If I was her I would be leaving the country tonight
If she isn’t the next Dem presidential candidate, then they might as well shut their fucking doors right now.
I’m not an American, but isn’t the problem not just the presidency? Like, even if she becomes president if the supreme court, congress, senate are republican controlled she’d be kneecapped.
Yes, but none of that other stuff will be possible without somebody worth voting for.
The choice will say a lot about the party. Change it from the “more of the same” party to the “let’s fix this shit” party.
I honestly fear for her safety.
It wouldn’t be a delicate situation if ONE GROUP WASN’T DOING NAZI SHIT
Good for AOC, but I honestly fear for her safety in the coming years. I hope she can stay safe.
Same ADL that says anti-genocide protests are categorically foreign agents funded by Iran and Hamas.
Disappointing that the only funding they gave my local protest was sidewalk chalk and some home printed flyers to tape up.
Same here, AIPAC lobbied against a locally popular Rep after they criticized Israel though. It worked and they lost their seat to a more friendly Rep.
the ADL
Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish non-governmental organization based in the USA
… will now be known as the “Advanced Defamations League”
Are their last words going to be “see? You were overreacting.” right before someone pushes a button on their gas chamber?
Or have they already booked their tickets to some recently-confiscated house in the West Bank?
Neither. They have money. They will not be subjected to the gas chambers and will live their lives free of consequences.
these gas lights aren’t even lit. why are you making such a big deal?
this is obviously sarcasm
How did he make the Nazi salute look somehow even MORE uncool than the -9999999999999999999999 it was already at.
Because he made it with the expression of a 16 year old in furious heat.
Dork MAGA continues to live up to the name, and it would be funny if people weren’t losing their lives over it.
Well, the nazis didn’t have their cum-face on while doing it.
To be fair, the SS had drip. Hugo Boss leather trenchcoats… They looked good while being the absolute worst human beings in modern history.
They looked good, they drove great cars, they were just garbage
Until now*
I think it was the biting lips.
The nazi salute is pretty cool, not the meaning though.
Reminder that Fox News declared Michelle Obama a terrorist over a fist bump.
Wait, what?
They do claim that they’re nOt lIkE fOx nEwS aNyMoRe, though.
One might be associated to a minor ethnic group looking for representation because they never had anything.
The other is associated to a fascist regime that destroyed the world and killed millions.
No need to hide it anymore, huh?
I think that’s why they had it indoors. Remove the opportunity for the people to dissent in the moment.
Probably multiple reasons, but if I had to guess, it was mostly about security for all of the billionaires in attendance.
Exactly this. People still don’t seem to grasp it, but they will soon. This is the end game. No need to pretend anymore, they got the thing they’ve been working towards for decades.
My only hope is that the GOP splinters over this kind of shit and destroys itself. But I’m not holding my breath.
So he literally turns around and does it a 2nd time.
How can anyone deny it now? There’s no way this is coincidence, like he’s just really awkward with gestures and was bad at throwing his hand in the air to the crowd. This can’t be explained away.
Wtf bullshit argument or defense is he and his supporters going to spew out?
They all say he’s such a genius, but he’s unaware of how close this gesture is to a nazi salute? There’s no way this can be defended. It’s just too obvious.
How can anyone deny it now?
Easy. Bad faith.
Nailed it.
I think many of them just won’t bother. Why would they need to? They got control, no need to pretend anymore.
It’s called post-truth and gaslighting in some developments of the phenomenon. I think this is, among other things, an experiment coming from the Donald administration.
So he literally turns around and does it a 2nd time.
Just like Nazis did. Once to the crowd. Then turn around and once to the Fuhrer, ranking officer at the event, or Nazi flag.
He’ll claim that the gesture went along with his words of his heart going out to people.
Press X to doubt.
Not gonna lie, my eyes bugged out when I saw that. I knew masks were falling off, but this was too on the nose even for my expectations
Same. Already? Couldn’t wait a single day?
And there are people desperately trying to say he wasn’t doing a nazi salute. I refuse to let someone tell me I’m not seeing what’s right in front of my eyes.
Who are you Goin to believe, the mass media or your own lying eyes?!
Fuck Elon Musk. Knowing I’ll be able to piss on his grave and Trumps grave keeps me going. These fucking fascist need to be fought tooth and nail.
I fear it’s not going to stop.
When Trump dies another, less stupid more insidious version will arise.
Oh it’s definitely not going to stop but that’s no reason to not fight now and in the future. Fuck Nazis. Fuck fascists.
Agreed but the problem is they’re winning. They have the power to destroy education, enact laws, control media/propaganda, appoint judges, influence law enforcement, military.
Fight fucking how? I’m not saying give up by any means, but things are looking grim.
If you’re a leftist, learn to shoot and buy a gun for self defense like all the conservatives? Honestly I don’t know if that’d even help.
Fight fucking how?
Even if you can’t or aren’t willing to do violence, there is always nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience. I wonder if there was a prominent figure of the civil rights movement who told us about that.
As soon as that prominent figure started talking about helping the lower classes achieve economic equality (or even just freedom), he was assassinated.
How do you non-violently resist wealth inequality ?
When I say fight I’m talking about non-violent resistance and violent but it’s increasingly looking like it’s going to be the latter. Fascists only understand one thing. Force.
There’s no guarantee that the next one will be less stupid.
That doesn’t mean that the next fascist will have less support. Or do less damage.
Stupid is hard to fight.
I’m going to take extra good care of my health in the hopes that if I outlive him this will be on my bucket list.
Pre-bucket listing, that’s an advanced bucket list strat
Knowing I’ll be able to piss on his grave and Trumps grave keeps me going.
A lot of people in fascist countries don’t get to live long enough to piss on the fascist leader’s grave.
I wonder how trump feels that the most viral thing about his inauguration wasn’t him
If he has any sense that overcomes his pride, he should be grateful that someone else is taking some flak for him.
Well, we know he doesn’t have any sense, but if he did, it would most certainly be overcome by his need to be the center of attention.
Guys you are just too left. Under any other circumstance a nazi salute and flirting with AfD is considered leftist by a comfortable margin.
How is this idiot so fucking dumb.
Dumb people have a lot of undeserved confidence in themselves. Smart people are rarely 100% sure if anything because everything is complicated.
Guy caught a lucky break at the right time and thinks he’s king shit on turd Island
how is he that dumb and has that much money
Capitalism and generational wealth.
Because you don’t have to be smart to have a lot of money. I knew a kid in school, couldn’t spell ‘phone’, had his mom do all his homework and projects, never took SATs, dumb as shit. He’s an exec at JP Morgan now.
It helps having a sapphire mine worked by veritable (almost literal) slaves in your youth.
I’ll have uhh… A stale meme And projection
My, feeling brave today are we
Yep, Hitler was a communist after all. (/s)
I can’t even express in words how fucking stupid and cringe this guy is… That comic is some shit I would have found clever when I was 12 years old and my understanding of politics was 100% shaped by the Fox News that was constantly playing in my house. Imagine being a full-formed adult human, and thinking this was some kind of deep thought.
I hate this fucking timeline so goddamn much
Well, get ready for a whole lot of gaslighting. He’s going to say that’s not what he was doing and his lil army of trolls are going to toe the line.
He says he was doing the Roman salute, but that’s exactly where the nazis got it so…
Where does he say it’s the Roman salute? That’s litterally the exact same thing as the Nazi salute.
Even if it was the roman salute, it would still be a fascist salute.
And there is a reason why people say Nazi-Fascism.
Because a Nazi IS a Fascist.
And both must be banned from public discourse!
Yeah but WHERE does he admit it’s the Roman salute
The funny thing is that the Roman salute isn’t Roman as far as anybody knows. That was something Mussolini claimed based on a single picture of unclear context and adopted as his own under his “restoring the Roman Empire” schtick.
Then Hitler stole it from him for the Third Reich.
Spot on. We all know exactly what we saw. But…
“This is just a distraction from [the class war / taxes / Russia / China / the Koreas / India / … ]!”
“Allegedly, he seemingly did a gesture that resembles a fascist salute. He could’ve been having a heart attack and pointing at a paramedic. You don’t know.”
“It’s a tic. He’s had it since he was a child. I read about it on this random screenshot of a news article from 2018.”
“The Roman Salute, as it is known amongst historians, can be seen in many statues. Here’s a link to one. Things have history, Alex. God. Not everything is nazis.”
“So his views are a little extreme. Most people would argue they’re vile. I certainly don’t agree with them, but people. Please. Civility and decorum must rule. I’d fight for his right to blahblahblah…"
“I’m sorry; we can’t hear you over our Economic Anxiety. Groceries are too expensive and people are homeless! That’s why we elected nazis. Please be more understanding of our extra special circumstances and ignorance.”
“It’s legal to do that in the USofA. Where is it not legal? Germany? Interesting! Gosh their freezepeach laws are a bit restrictive, eh? Controlling how we move our bodies? Sounds like something a nazi would want.”
And on. And if you engage with it, they’ll just turn on some kind of AI bot thingy to continue the “conversation,” taking up even more space online.
Truly… They might be past that. Some of them at least. That was all for show so they can get to this point. This is the end game. They got what they wanted and can go mask off. Elon doing the salute is just the first evidence of that. Expect a whole lot more to come.
Lmao spot on
Im not certain that they still need to gaslight.
It’s the bootlicking media doing the gaslighting. They, Musk and his people won’t bother anymore.
Man, I still remember everyone telling me I was over reacting when the Republicans cOiNcIdEnTaLlY had an Odal rune for a stage and that they weren’t really Nazis.