He tends to dawdle away his time and accomplish nothing.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • I don’t believe the producers had the whole story arc planned regardless of what they say. I think you can tell when there’s a mystery box situation. But now that they moved the island and it has settled down into an allegory for Scientology, I’m hoping they’ll stop introducing polar bears and keep focusing on the story.

    Spoiler here:

    I think there is a huge corner they’re backed into when it comes to neatly wrapping things up. If severance is stopped, the innies have to die. Even reintegration means giving up their identities and personalities and becoming just a memory. So it’ll be pretty messy to try to write their way out of that.

  • How Flint is doing is irrelevant to what I said, the same as me picking on a polluted city in Canada doesn’t change the fact that Canada generally has safe drinking water.

    The comment I responded to made it sound like US tap water is mostly not safe to drink. That’s demonstrably untrue. I’m not defending the horrors of industrial capitalism or condoning environmental destruction, I’m merely pointing out that the US does in fact have standards, regulation, and enforcement for drinking water quality. This does not mean it’s perfect, but it does mean that in general you can drink the water out of the tap, like I do every day.

    I hate that we live in a world where only extreme viewpoints are allowed. Either the USA is the greatest country in the world or it’s a complete shithole, anything else is just shouted down. I still make the stupid mistake of caring about what’s real rather than what makes a good soundbite on social media.

    “Drinking water quality in the United States is generally safe. In 2016, over 90 percent of the nation’s community water systems were in compliance with all published U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) standards. Over 286 million Americans get their tap water from a community water system. Eight percent of the community water systems—large municipal water systems—provide water to 82 percent of the US population.”


  • There’s a phenomenon I’ve noticed over the past few years where people refuse to read anything longer than a handful of words. In fact, it’s often lobbied as an insult toward the writer: “not gonna read that, bro” has a similar connotation as “what have you got there, nerd, a math book?” combined with “I guess I triggered you so bad you had to provide supporting detail for your ideas, ha ha!”

    I think there’s a self reinforcing loop where we’ve all moved to mobile devices where it’s tedious and annoying to type anything, so we’ve gotten more used to shorter and shorter messages, making anything longer look old fashioned and out of touch. People who grew up with phones now feel like it’s tedious and annoying to even read a full paragraph (or watch a non-short video), let alone expend the extra energy required to decode handwriting and figure out a scribbled word from context. It’s easier just to say “not gonna read ur wall”, and reinforce that it’s now shameful to write a comment as long as this one.

    Just saw another one this morning.

  • It’s a little confusing. Nextion makes “HMI displays”. It’s an integrated module that runs its own software, draws the UI, processes events, etc. It’s a black box that just reports back to the processor “button 3 on page 1 has been pressed”. You design the interface with that ugly Windows app and upload it to the display, but there is no direct access to the screen.

    To make use of the Nextion display, you need something connected to it, and that’s where the ESP32 comes in. It receives those “button 3 pressed” events and handles them, but crucially, it does not have raw access to the screen, so you can’t just draw your own widgets on it like you’d be able to do on an ordinary display.

    There are other projects to build your own controller with a touch screen and a microcontroller; the appeal of the NSPanel is that it’s basically an ESP32 and a Nextion display conveniently prebuilt, has decent hardware and aesthetics, and it isn’t hard to reflash it with ESPHome. Replacing the Sonoff firmware on the ESP32 doesn’t change the limitations of the Nextion display.

  • I have one Kindle Fire using the Fully Kiosk Browser and a wall mount with a hidden power cord (https://a.co/d/05GVxVP). It uses the camera to turn on when you walk up to it. It’s ok, but I installed it 3 years ago and never really finished making a dashboard for it. In practice, we control the vast majority of stuff by voice with the Google/Nest Home integration, or switches. The big control panel thing doesn’t hold enough interest to even bother putting controls on it, and I mainly leave it showing air quality graphs.

    Of more practical use are smaller panels for area-specific uses. I mainly standardized on NSPanel, because I was experimenting with them and ended up with a bunch. Example: https://youtu.be/DBzg7v1Q5Zo. I have a short attention span and tend to stop when it’s 90% good enough. I also have in other places a DIY HA SwitchPlate, and HASPone on a Lanbon L8.

  • I suppose that’s true. Rereading my comment, it’s a bit over the top. If I pretend now I don’t know anything and start at http://home-assistant.io, it’s not that hard to scroll down, see the thing, and buy it. I don’t know exactly how I got so off-track when I tried. Probably I knew “a little too much”, as in the words “home assistant blue” in the back of my head, Googled for that and got distracted by “I need to understand why there are two boxes and one isn’t for sale anymore, so exactly what is the difference is between them?”.

    Coming back to that naive journey, though, I could see how someone could end up buying Green with no wireless dongle or Yellow with no CM4 (especially since you can’t get one).

    I still think that for the limited size of this ecosystem, choosing a box shouldn’t be confusing. I can now understand where it came from, though, once I realized that HA Yellow was designed around a Raspberry Pi board that became unobtainable, so they had to go with a different architecture.