I counted 24 potential officers here, some on the left might not be officers, but some might not be shown in this photo, so I’ll add them in.
Chatgpt suggested the daily cost for 24 officers to stand here is $6,672/day assuming no overtime and 8 hours of “protecting”.
What a completely reasonable and absolutely not wasteful use of police time and resources! “Hello, 911? My house is being robbed!” “Sorry, no officers are available because they’re at the Tesla dealership”
How do the police get paid again? I always forget.
Serve and Protect (the rich and their property through a taxpayer subsidy)
No one reads the fine print.
Yeah sure…the thin blue line is BS. The police always protect the wealthy property owners and bust up the working class. I believe Netflix has a US police history documentary and who they side with during upheavals.
the thin blue line means they won’t snitch on each other’s crimes… that’s the line they won’t cross….
which makes them literally a criminal conspiracy
“We are not wasting tax money here!”
DOGE approved
20-some officers protecting shitty hunks of metal, when there’s murderers, rapists, pedofiles, and human traffickers roaming free. This image perfectly sums up their commitment to protecting the Lifestyles of the Rich and Fascist over the rest of us.
no, no, most of the pedophiles and human traffickers were standing in a neat little line with hands by their sides when this photo was taken, not roaming or doing said acts.
edit: wait, chicago, so there are probably a bunch more of them not accounted for in this picture.
I’d be so pissed if I lived in Chicago. What a waste of funding.
Cops are class traitors
The Police in USA are there to protect Capital Interests. Their job to keep the status quo.
The Police in USA
Their job to keep the status quo.
That’s what they do in all countries.
Not just the USA, ALL police uphold status quo.
Well said
When you’re very closed to the end-game and previously safe town areas are now spawning enemies, and the music is more ominous.
Man, look at that pile of tax money.
So I guess, if you want to commit a real crime you just threaten the Tesla dealership then go do your business elsewhere
Nah, most likely Tesla money. Most often when you see police performing a “private” function like this they’re being paid by the requesting party.
Just like cops escorting a funeral procession or directing traffic for a church or private school, they’re paid by whoever requested the service. Police departments are like any business. They got payroll to meet, obligations to cover, etc. They can’t just yank cops from their normal duties for shit like this. They use off-duty or “*retired” officers.
Say what you will about capital hiring rent-a-cops, but they’re probably not doing this on our dime.
* Buddy of mine was briefly a cop, could still strap on the uniform to escort a funeral or the like.
To corroborate your buddy’s story: Trump repeatedly refused to pay for the extra police needed for his rallies.
If that’s the case… it’s better, but I really would rather them not be able to wear the uniform or have police powers off duty outside of an emergency.
Class traitors. All of them.
Police, on the wrong side of everything, since the start of time.
They had no choice in the matter. I am willing to bet no one wanted to stand there.
Look closer. Closer. See the chains? Me fucking either. Gawkgawk that boot deeper.
JusT fOlloWiNG oRdErs…
Do you have a job? Does it require you to do things you don’t want to do? Would you rather sit on your ass than stand outside of a car dealership all day? For most including the police the answer to all of these is “yes”.
Ah, the old Nuremberg defense. Maybe check out how that worked out for them.
Poor summer child…
And yet they did.
I often have to do things that I wouldn’t want to do at my job.
‘i was just following orders’
The point is choosing to be a cop is the problem. Theoretically cops protect the population from criminals, but in reality they protect the interests of billionaires who routinely harm as they will to make money. The best reading here is they’re coerced by money to be a cop, but that’s just a greater condemnation on everything the US stands for.
Yes Police are all slaves that have no option other than obey their masters
Their choice is to continue their career as a police officer. Obviously they will need to take some job to support themselves or a family, but there are so many options which don’t require them to be a defense force of a harmful system, enforcing broken laws and harassing those who protest against it.
Cue: David Attenborough
“And here we see Dora the Explorer on an acid trip. Notice how she’s completely incapable of resisting licking her monkey, Boots. Even Swiper feels sorry for poor, wet, Boots.”
I mean, they chose to sign up.
As far as I know, there is not such thing as a “Police Conscription”.
Nobody gets drafted to become a cop.
Just have some peaceful protesters staying on the other side of the street and have them in shifts, do nothing else. Waste the police resources until they give up and leave.
This is the way
Even more fun if they just stand there quietly holding foam bricks.
This seems very easy. Do it over a week with people camping there and cops will realize protecting a POS is really not worth the resources.
realize protecting a POS is not really worth the resources
who wants to tell them?
Surely the police would just stand there and watch, and not get involved…
Who is going into that location to buy a car in these circumstances. That line of police is just as effective as any vandalism.
Hmm a new way to protest. Call the cops and don’t show up.
You need to start posting that everywhere.
Y’know, you raise a good point. If I was gonna go shopping somewhere and there was a line of cops outside the place I was going, I’m absolutely not going in there lol
And who’s going to protect the owner of the car once they bought it? It’s a reminder that you’re making a political decision when you buy a tesla.
Or, there’s been a shooting and/or robbery. Not going there.
Tbh, yeah, this is a great point
Many people that want to buy a Tesla right now would probably see it as a badge of honor
You buy teslas through their site. It’s not like other dealerships. The one near me is in a mall and has like two cars in it.