Violence sometimes is the answer
A likely story, Captain Warcrimes for Coffee
I see you Janeway
And remember: if violence isn’t working, you’re probably just not using enough of it.
I think they need to stop relying on props from former series. Glad they mostly did, though it came back for Voyager. And they need to stop with evil parallel universe.
My husband and I are on season 5 of ds9. We watched the first mirror universe episode, but it’s not the vibe I want from Star Trek, tbh
For sure. I want a standalone series. Of the new shows, Lower Decks or Strange New Worlds got us closest to that. But they both feel like an homage to their counterparts (TNG and TOS respectively). I would appreciate a show like DS9 that takes a sort of “day in the life” appeal towards somewhere simple. They made a star base the entire show. I imagine they could take a newly colonized or colonizing planet and make a show about that. New plants, animals, dangers, phenomena, etc. I’m sure each planet could have plenty of stories to tell and subcultures to explore.
I’m sure each planet could have plenty of stories to tell and subcultures to explore.
That gives me some ideas:
Rick Steves’ Alpha Quadrant
FNN exobiology documentaries narrated by a temporally-displaced David Attenborough
Iron Chef Qo’noS, inexplicably cohosted by Neelix and Joeseph Sisko even though both have to be holo-projected in from their homes on New Talax and Earth respectively, with judging by Q
I’ve got a stray note to use David Attenborough’s voice-over for something Trek related, but haven’t buckled down to flesh it out.
Speaking of famous people’s voice-overs, I’m pretty sure technology has progressed to the point nowadays that you can train a local voice assistant to sound like the Star Trek computer voice even without the complete set of Majel Barrett’s phonetic recordings. I’ve been meaning to try that for a while, and now that I just got a new GPU I’ve got one less excuse not to…
Or maybe I should use Jeffrey Combs’ voice and make an AGIMUS voice assistant instead!
Make the assistant, disseminate it to fans, have it switch itself to Agimus on April 1st (and a few other days of the year) with no warning.
Eh. I always liked the Q episodes. Not sure why DS9 went that way but whatever. It all worked out in the end.
I guess they didn’t want to have to figure out what Q and the wormhole aliens would do with each other.
“Indeed not. You’re much easier to provoke. How fortunate for me.”