Hmm. That’s a sad way to go.
The opposite of “in hiding”. State religious authorities catching wind of my apostasy, and bringing me before a “religious rehab” judge. Judge delivers his sentence on me, in accordance with his religious rules. My community loses another apostate, and other like-minded individuals secretly turtle-up even further.
But hey, perks of being an apostate is having fun and leading a content life in the digital universe. So, I’m happy living in new homes that serve as permanent alternative spaces to Meta and others.
Death by giant space hamster.
The Olive Garden waiter never heard the cue to stop so I suffocate on the fine powdery goodness
After years of a cornucopia of drugs, I’ll shoot myself.
well …
Chronic disease took its final toll
Too much acid. I ascend out of my body and never come back.
One too many dabs
Chuckles… I’m in trouble
Walking through the park with a bauggette
Not sure it’s a secret