Moi? I use currently a NOTE 20 ultra 5g. Probably my second best phone, I only hate the fact it’s so massive (I miss being able to use just one hand for my phone) and the mediocre battery life for someone like me that watches a lot of videos. But the S pen is so handy those few times you need it.
I’ve been using Apple phones since like 2008 I think. The keyboard used to be great. This last year I would be tearing my hair out if I had any hair. I don’t know what happened, but it has gone to absolute shirt. I am really hoping the more I type the better Apple AI and hopefully-smarter-Siri will get at figuring out what I’m trying to say. I’m really hoping because it’s endlessly frustrating and maddening for me.
Fun side note: I have very fond memories of my bright yellow Windows phone that I was given long ago when I worked at the AT&T store back in maybe 2014. I think it was a Nokia. They also gave me a Samsung back then at some point too. I have zero memories of any kind about that phone.
I also loved my windows phone. The seamless continuation moving from phone to laptop was something that only now is sort of coming back. The phone just needed apps but the os and the design was really fun.
My exact same analysis. The OS was terrific, attractive, and fun to use. And there were edges and corners, which you just don’t get with Apple.