I’ve been there this summer. There’s a sign asking you to tell your nationality while passing the person. It’s just for tourist demographics and completely voluntary.
That ruins the outrage!
I am outraged by this!
Stop being so easily outraged, it outrages me.
Alright this is getting out right outrageous.
Poser racists think all Asian people are Chinese, all Hispanic people are Mexican, and all Black people are African. Professional racists can identify your home region by the minute traits that they loath about you.
“The slight trill in their accent and the width of the bridge of their nose tells me that they are from the Cassidian Provence of Blahgistan just north of the Arno Mountain range… bloody Cassidians taking our jobs!”
I learn more about other cultures so I can be racist more accurately
I mean, being racist is such a huge part of your life. Why wouldn’t you want to do it well? Anything worth doing is worth doing right.
FYI loath vs loathe if you’re interested (unless it was a typo)
British people hate people from the next county over more than they hate Gypsies and foreigners combined
Next county? What about those swivel-eyed, inbred, sister-marrying, six-fingered, funny-talking loons from… the next town along?
It’s like a regional version of “better a heathen than a heretic”
As an American, in Tennessee, I don’t understand it. It’s not like the Brits have to deal with fucking Kentuckians, the cousin banging weirdos. Why do they hate on their neighbors so much? I mean, I have to live next door to yankee posers who fuck their sisters and made meth the state bird. And you don’t see me hating on the neighbors like that!
Doesn’t even have to be the next county over for Newcastle and Sunderland
This job does not take your casual racist; no this takes a competitive racist to identify them.
Exactly what I hoped it was
Surely that info is freely available on the passport they are using to go through the airport.
Probably, but they figured out they could save time by just hiring Björn here.
His name is bernd!
Who burnt it?
Björgúlfur or something, surely.
Also, is Iceland falling so far behind in racial stereotyping that they’d bring in a German to do it for them?
It’s a german inside joke, explained in this video (in german).
There is a far right politician named Björn and who was mistakenly called Bernd by a local newspaper and got angry. To annoy him, a satire show calls him Bernd all the time. This caused enough confusion, that a public broadcaster messing up.
Edit: spelling
All they need to do it check all of the passports to make sure his selections are accurate!
Passports are checked by some government authority, they don’t give you access to the data, so the professional racist is there for statistics used by whomever.
Surely they can extract just that data. Though it might depend on that country’s specific regulation.
What if you are VERY mixed race? Is that an automatic “American”?
Assuming someone very mixed race is American is definitely an automatic “America”.
Believe it or not, straight to the detention camp.
Brazilian, I guess? Ethnical diversity is a known characteristic of the Brazilian history.
I like to think of myself as European, thank you very much.
I assume this is to select the country the passport is from or something?
Nm i’m in the wrong place 🙂