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Bakers knead bread to explore their souls.
And get ripped forearms.
Carbs aren’t evil but if you don’t want to be overweight you have to eat carbs in moderation. It’s not that hard gang.
Actually fat makes you fat and carbs make you crab
The incessant lurch of time makes us crab and there’s nothing we can do about it
Exactly. Might as well indulge in feasting on Jesus’s body.
That sounds like something a carapaced bottom-dwelling aquatic scavenger would say…
No, carapaced bottom-dwelling aquatic scavenger was my father.
Isn’t Low Carb debunked? As long as you eat halfway clean and at a deficit, you lose weight. And you don’t gain weight by eating a lot of carbs, as long as you don’t have a caloric surplus.
Weight loss is literally calories in vs calories out. That’s it. Carbs generally have way more calories than foods without carbs. Low carb definitely works for weight loss, so I don’t know if I’d call that debunked.
It’s really simple. But these fad diet cultures we get sucked into have made us all crazy it feels like.
Any restrictive diet can lead to weight loss, because you’re not allowed to eat the stuff you wanna eat, so you don’t eat as much.
If there’s nothing special about carbs (and I don’t think there is…) that’s what I’d call “debunked.”
High carb foods have more calories than low carb ones by a wide margin. Which is why it works. And if it works, it is not debunked.
Fat has more than double the calorie density, I’m not sure what you mean by “high carb food have more calories”.
Well you shouldn’t go heavy on high fat foods either. Where did I say that you should?
and at a deficit, you
Well that’s the thing, carbs are just very calorie dense so eating cards makes it harder to eat at a deficit.
Isn’t Low Carb debunked?
What does this even mean? Nobody that I know of has ever asserted that low carb diets are the only way to lose weight. Low carb diets tend to reduce appetite which helps in achieving a calorie deficit, that’s all .
You got it all wrong, you just have to work out a lot and then eat all the carbs you want
Hell yeah! This also works! It’s what I generally have to do to lose weight because I fucking love high calorie high carb foods. I also love jogging though so it evens out.
I like to go to the bakery down the street and buy a loaf, then just eat the whole thing while it’s still fresh. I’m a scrawny little spitfuck.
Obviously metabolisms can affect things. Also anecdotal evidence on a platform where you post anonymously is less than worthless. It holds about as much weight as me telling you that when I switch to low carb while keeping my portion sizes the same I lose weight.
You said “if you don’t want to be overweight, you have to eat carbs in moderation.” I am not doing that, and am not overweight.
If you’re going to word something as absolute, on the internet, you better be prepared for exceptions in reply.
Dude your anecdotal evidence from an anonymous account does not trump reality but go off buddy.
What a load of bullshit. Tell that to the Italians, where they eat ridiculous amounts of pasta, pizza and baked goods a and have the lowest obesity rates in Europe.
Food quality + more walking + meat in moderation.
Lol how is food quality, moderation with meat portioning, and exercise not calories in vs calories out? Guaranteed Italian portions are lighter and their food has less calories per meal.
Who said anything about calories? Of course it’s about calories. You said carbs are reason people get fat.
Can you differentiate between “carbohydrates” and “calories”?
So you’re either saying that “food makes you fat”, which is a real genius moment, or that “carbohydrates make you fat” which is simply false.
I thought you were replying to my other response, which simply stated that weight loss is mostly calories in vs calories out. High carb foods tend to have more calories. That’s all I’m saying here. You can eat carbs in moderation and live a healthy lifestyle and still lose weight. Like Jesus man, calm the fuck down hahaha
You’re putting an insane amount of words in my mouth here.
My dude, that’s not what you said in the top comment.
You’re perpetuating a bullshit myth about carbs making you fat, which is pure nonsense.
Now, when you’re called out, you’re adding all these asterisks.
Man I’m just so not interested in wasting anymore time with this stupidity. Believe what you want.
Yeah, good choice. Next time please don’t waste everybody’s time with bs misinformation and don’t click that “post” button. Thanks in advance.
I’m confused about the single full stop. It shows they have knowledge of basic punctuation, but refuse to use it.
They also resent anti-runon-sentence propaganda
What is there to be confused about? They can speak english correctly, but they simply refuse doing so due to a lack of respect for the language. Almost every professor at my uni is also like this: they have the skills to follow grammatical rules, but they don’t owe it to anyone to actually do it. This is normal.
Also any language where through and threw sound identical doesn’t deserve much respect.
Huh, I thought you were joking, but I just checked on google translate, and apparently the correct way to pronounce “threw” really is the same as “through”. I always pronounced “threw” a bit more in the front of my mouth so it has a different sound. Crazy stuff.
Here’s a bunch of better examples (it’s a 1 minute video).
cries celiacly
God gave us grain but not bread so that we, too, could indulge in the joy of creation.
“A man cannot live on bread alone
But nor can he live without it”
–That one shopkeep in Kingdom Come: DeliveranceBread is still one of those real old school basic foods, that comes with a decent somewhat similar old school basic price.
I don’t care if it’s good or bad, i want to have some money left at the end of the month instead of having month left at the end of your money.
There used to be punishments for bakers adulterating flour to make profits; medieval communities were so reliant on the bread that the Lords went out of their way to regulate bakeries and ensure high wages for bakers to prevent that from happening (i.e: Adding chalk).
Reading “anti crab” propaganda made me think extra.
Did… Did they just make a “pee is stored in the balls” reference?
But im allergic to gluten :(
I’ll eat a slice for you friend 😭
Gluten-free bread exists
Gluten free bread lacks any of the pleasant qualities of actual bread (my gluten allergy is “makes you have the shits” and not “kills you”)
You can get good biscuits and cake without gluten. Good cereal. Passable pasta. Even decent pizza crust.
Not bread. Not by a long shot. The best gluten free bread in the world is just decent at its best, not to mention costing 15x the price. REALLY not worth it.
Yeah but that factory white bread in the supermarket is literally the devil. How else can it stay good for so long?
Factory white bread is just misunderstood. It’s not meant for anything fancy, it’s designed for PBnJ or a quick bologna sandwich. If you’re putting more than a slice of cheese and ultra processed meat slurry on it, you’re misusing it.
That is because it is not bread. It is simply a bread-like edible substance.
Bread is my favourite carb, and it isn’t close. I had a period in my teens of sandwiching everything. Chili? Sandwich. Curry? Sammich. Stews? You guessed it: big mess.
Woah, is it you, Sloppy Joe himself?? 😲
I’m in my mid/late thirties and I still put almost everything in bread. My 4 years old sometimes make bread sandwiches (one type of bread in another type of bread). I’m not there, yet.
Alright, a bread sandwich is interesting. Now I love me some bread, but doesn’t the distinction between loaf 1 and loaf 2 get lost in all the breadyness? If they want a hybrid loaf they probably make those. I suppose at 4 they’re not making themselves, but the bread maker… you… might.
I thought I loved bread, perhaps I merely enjoy it.
No you have to mix the breads. For example, you take a slice of some random bread, put a piece of Lebanese flat bread on it and voilà. And the Child does make the sandwiches. At least those ones.
When I first moved to Japan and was shopping at a supermarket, I noticed they sell yakisobapan. so grilled noodles in bred. I guess as a kid I would use my garlic bread to make a little sandwich with spaghetti so I kinda get it, but still.
In 1900 the average French person was eating 900g of bread per day.
I’m working on it to reach this level again.
I see extreme anti-carb mentality like teetotalling when the health goal is really just don’t be a drunkard.
For thousands of years the peak of life has been eating fresh bread and drinking wine, it still is tbh. For maximum luxery add fresh cooked meat to the bread :3