Absolutely useless
Here’s the actual story, Schumer relented one day after GOP and DNC megadonors threaten to pull funding away from 10 Democrats.
Only if you’re ready for a decades long campaign to flip towns, cities, districts, and state level legislatures like it took the republicans from 1972 to just a month ago.
That’s what we’re up against.
The US needs to break the two-party system so minor parties and independents actually have a chance at representation.
Of course there’s no incentive for the establishment to do that. Is there any way for new candidates to run with the major parties, but on a platform to introduce preferential voting when they have the numbers? I don’t know much about factions within US parties, but they certainly exist in my country, and can transform parties quickly if they think they have election-winning appeal.
It would have to happen bottom-up, as you say, so people can get comfortable with such a big change. Also, people are much more likely to elect independents at a local level.
Anyone else get the feeling he’s been compromised?
Well he’s a zionist. And the zionists bought both parties but preferred trump in power. So yeah.
You mean like recently? No. It’s been a lot more than a feeling since 2016, for me at least. A known fact I guess you could call it?
I felt that about the lot of them since the state of the union address.
they’re giving off strong “fuck you, got mine” vibes.
I doubt any of them realize the following though.
What do you get if you take everything away from a person?
you get what you fucking deserve.
We’re not going to give Donald Trump what he wants, so we’re going to pass this spending bill that gives him everything he wants! That’ll how 'im!
Donald Trump wants the courts to stop overturning his random EOs. A shutdown would close the courts.
It’s long past time for Schumer and most of the timid OLD dems, to step aside. We’ve had enough of failing. We need to elect people that are capable of fighting back.
Lol Trump called Schumer a “Palestinian” (now a threat) and this fucker just rolls over.
Schumer clearly never learned that appeasing Nazis is not the way to go! Or perhaps he’s a nazi is disguise.
I called my senators in new mexico to vote no. And with senator lujan the clerk said he will be voting no. So hopefully more will follow.
Heinrich is also voting no
Thank you for calling
Dodgy governments as per usual.
Warner and Kaine have both said they intend to vote no. Unfortunately there’s no chance my congressional district is going to do anything other than give Trump carte blanche.
Trump will destroy America and blame democrats if we don’t fully back Trump destroying America, including removing congressional power to block the destruction of America while it is done.
On blame, easy path is push for clean CR that will keep government open, or reopen, when house votes on it when they feel like coming back to work. GOP will be blamed for the shutdown.
DOGE is already tearing wiring out of the walls. Crazy to get weeks of “Half Department X has been fired and the budget has been slashed” articles only to hear Schumer take the blame in advance for further defunding.
no one is this meek. this is collusion. they’re complicit, and it’s not by accident. they’ve always been this way.
This is the correct take. Dems are owned by corporations, conservatives are owned by oligarchs (and corporations, but I don’t think corporations are too happy with what’s going on with Trump and Musk)
Democratic politicians suck up Super PAC money the same as Republicans. It’s just that Republicans just do other forms of corruption out in the open because they know their voters are too stupid to notice.
Trump scamming people with memecoin currency, MAGA doesn’t care.
I love how these conversations happen many times every session, but then campaign time comes and everyone calls me a Russian asset for reminding people of what the “Blue No Matter Who” mentality gets you.
This is the proper attitude for primaries, not general elections.
You’re either with the oligarchs or you’re with the terrorists
The time to have that conversation is before and during the primaries. After that, it’s not a worthwhile conversation.
The message isn’t the issue, your timing is.
What primaries? The Democrats invented superdelegates to subvert democracy in the primary process, and then argued in court in Florida that it was their right to do so when they were sued for it.
Good point. Better to do nothing then. Give up.
Or get more involved in the only party with a chance and change them from the inside?
No, that sounds like work. Forget it.
It is a good point, and I’m not advocating for doing nothing, just acknowledging that change via the Democrats is impossible. Unless you’ve been asleep for 40 years, you’re well aware that real, meaningful change is impossible in this party duopoly, and nothing underscores that more than running a publicly brain-dead man and the entire “progressive” party apparatus lining up behind him in order to suit his fragile, stupid ego.
What I advocate for is doing good with one’s own two hands, because that’s always possible. Be willing to pick up dog shit even if it’s not yours. When someone in your building asks for a favor, be generous with your time. When ICE comes knocking, and they will, find that maybe you have difficulty remembering things. (And if you really want to underscore how shitty the Democrats are, remember that Tom Homan was also Obama’s guy.)
I agree. But my point is that the Democrats are the only tool we have at the moment within the government.
We have plenty of tools outside of the government, and you’re 100% right that we should use those as well.
But let’s not throw out the one tool we have inside the government. Let’s improve it so it’s useful.
That’s the thing, we don’t.
The Democrats in Washington do not give a fuck about you, me, our families, or anyone else. They exist to do performative things and make nice speeches, then go vote in a manner that can be charitably called conservative but more often enables fascism. For example, remember when they did their nice little stunt kneeling in Congress with their African wear? Those same Democrats linked up behind Biden when he wanted to militarize the police even more.
The only power you or I have is local unless you’re willing to commit an extraordinary act of vigilantism or you’re a billionaire. That’s it.
So join local Democrat groups
Do we have Democrats as a tool inside the government? Are you sure they aren’t another of the oligarchs’ tools?
It’s both. And they’re the most likely group that we could turn to our purposes.
A broken tool is no tool at all
I can tell you’ve never had to sweep or shovel with something when half the haft is gone. Or tear the lid off a garbage can because the mechanism to lift the lid stopped working.
Liberals are, for all their talk, in a Stockholm Syndrome kind of love with the DNC. BlueMAGA is some combination of a death cult and an abusive relationship.
It is very culty.
BlueMAGA sounds like weak bothsidesism, come up with some real criticism
I did.
Liberals are, for all their talk, in a Stockholm Syndrome kind of love with the DNC.
It’s because the Moderates (aka. Republicans in blue suits) control the party and it’s been this way for far too long.
It’s the same reason Nancy Pelosi kept stepping on AOC’s toes and even worked to keep her out of key committee positions, despite her being popular with a lot of Democratic voters.
The DNC is a zionist first organization. Members winning is secondary to zionist rule over America.
Yeah, they’re not meek or cowards.
They bravely stand up to their own base.
What is this from?
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Even if they are a tankie, they’re still putting forth a valid criticism.
Tankies don’t belong in US Politics. Supporters of Russia and China don’t have a say in what is best for the USA.
I’ve often been a defender of Democrats being realistic, but Schumer is on some bullshit here.
It’s unclear what, if anything, Schumer got in return for his decision to allow the House bill to proceed
Says it all right there. The Republican bill was just a list of laughably insane things they knew Democrats would oppose so they could blame the shutdown on them. It actually cuts funding of DC’s local budget forcing them to fire teachers and even cops. Again, nothing to do with the federal government. It just grabs power from a local government and says that they can’t use their own local tax revenues to educate kids and fight crime. It’s complete rabid insanity that has no point other than to bully a blue city. And Schumer’s like “Sure, ok. whatever.”
The budget also cuts medicare and medicaid by some pretty substantial amounts, among many other government programs.
This is the CR. This allows for more time to work on that budget… which only needs 51 votes because of reconciliation.
Ah, ok. Kind of weird that they would even bother with a CR when they could just move the debt ceiling with the budget proposal? Still, a weight is lifted knowing that it isn’t coming to pass right away.