Been at a desk for 20-years, now at physical labor. Recently figured out that I’m running a serious caloric deficit, and I’m already a skinny fucker. Also, I’m aiming to build a little muscle and a lot of endurance. How do I eat?!

Back when I was working hard, ate tons of fast food. Too expensive and time consuming, don’t want off the clock to go eat (hour round trip including eating). Took a 12-hour shift today and did OK sucking down granola bars, water and kratom, ate my wife’s kickass meal when I got home.

What can I cook or bring to work to power me? What’s simple and cheap and doesn’t require much on-site prep? (We have a microwave, toaster, all that, I just want calories and protein in my face with no fuss). Afraid I’m half-ass cannibalizing myself.

    11 days ago

    So both the upside and downside of oral THC is the longer onset time. On one hand that makes it significantly less habit forming, but that also means it’s not gonna give you that instant satisfaction of the shower beer or settling into the couch with a cocktail after work. Working 12s that actually makes it more or less completely nonviable; by the time it would hit I’m supposed to be in bed. You can somewhat get around that though by taking a tincture that absorbs sublingually / through the cheek. The other problem you’re going to run into with the longer onset is that addictive tendency to overdo it because in your head you’re thinking that if you don’t take “enough” it’ll take much longer to “correct” / titrate your dose upward to your desired level of baked.

    yeah people don’t understand what I mean about the whole sobriety culture being fundamentally broken thing. We’ve built up so much shame as a culture around addictive behavior that we push people into this weird shame cycle instead of addressing the cultural and lifestyle factors that lead to all this. Like if I was going to drink again socially, the main thing I would need is a non-alcohol related social hobby that takes up most of my time. It’s not a question of me having had trouble drinking, it’s that I had too much stressing me out and wasn’t engaging in any other social activities so I was leaning on it way too hard. I’m not actually mentally healthier than when I was drinking and using the gummies, I’m just physically healthier and that’s hopefully going to give me the energy to go fix the mental health problems at… some point I guess. Still working on that one (the other myth of sobriety culture is that sobriety somehow = mentally healthy. It does not).