My guess is preserving the public lands is something that maybe 80% of Americans will agree with. It’s a 3rd rail and his support will plummet if he tries to follow through.
I think nothing would elevate the hatred of billionaires more than if they buy up the national parks for their own private estates.
Great Smokey national park is now the walton’s family compound
Rocky Mountain National park is now the gates compound
Yosemite becomes musk’s outdoor playground
The grand canyon is bezo’s now
Just writing that elevated my blood pressure
They’ll turn the grand canyon into a garbage dump.
Don’t forget Russian and Chinese oligarchs.
First the golden ticket, later the Yosemite.
Don’t worry, no one is thinking that. But wouldn’t it be so much more productive to have oil wells and strip mines there? Otherwise that land is just fraud, waste, and abuse
Called it.
Trump’s favorite president, Andrew Jackson, paid off the (relatively small) national debt by selling off enough stolen Indian land that it crashed the real estate market and therefore the US economy.
Hmmm, so we all lose access to beautiful public lands we’ve had for generations, so that someone (but definitely not us) will get money?
I don’t think anyone in Washington right now is that good of a salesman
Stip thinking that you’re the customer, you’re not. They just need to butter up to some rich asshole, and they’re doing quite well in that department.
Yep. When it comes to the Republicans, we are the subjects. Not even the most hardcore redcap is considered worthy of having citizenship status and expected to have real representation by someone interested in public service.
Hey Bill Gates and all the other rich dudes pretending to be the good ones. This is your time. Buy that land. Make it parks or whatever to preserve it.
That would require them to put money for the public instead of donating to organizations they control.
Maybe Canada can buy those public lands /s
Everytime I think American’s reach new lows, someone finds a shovel and keeps digging.
Counterpoint: Do they even care? They’ll do it anyway. What did they care if the public doesn’t like it? They’ll be richer for it and that’s all that matters.
I understand no one is objecting at Republican town halls. /s
The level of ultra-capitalist dystopia in the USA is incredible
That portion of the book from Rapture of the Nerds where they visit the hellscape that is the United States is becoming ever more prescient.
We need to clone Teddy Roosevelt and make his clone president ASAP.
How about we just give the clone a saber and point him at our current politicians?
Or we make like, many more clones and give them blasters?
🎵This land is your land.🎵.
This land is … Not my land anymore because billionaires have bought it and I received a tax increase!There was a big, high wall there that tried to stop me A sign was painted said “Private Property” But on the backside, it didn’t say nothing This land was made for you and me
Trespass isn’t a criminal offence in the UK. With very few exceptions, mainly military bases and railways.
Yeah its woody Guthrie. The man was a committed communist
Fucking disgusting. Hope it’s all to a bunch of dickhead billionaires, and those contracts are reversed/ignores after Trump gets kicked out.
Now THAT would be hilarious.
They plan to sell it off and strip mine it. Drill & frack the US to death.
LOL, “support”.
You mean among just the redcaps? And does it even need to be a majority of those motherfuckers?
Ha ha just like the tea pot dome scandal, and that bribe to a senator about mining in Teddy Roosevelt’s head.