That is not a horn. Purple correctly identified it as a trumpet.
It’s pretty common to call all wind instruments horns in a band context, it is a trumpet but most musicians aren’t going to be mad at calling it a horn. Still a bad pick up line
Trumpeter here, I’d be insulted if I was called a horn. Might be regional, but that’s not common here. If we’re speaking about horns, it’s only French horns
Another trumpeter here. If it was a wind instrument that didn’t have a reed it was called a horn.
Isn’t brass more commonly used?
“Brass” “woodwind” and “Percussion” were the clinical anatomy textbook words and “horn” “wind” and “drum” were the casual everyday words.
The piccolo flute is a horn?
Enh, in my experience “horn” refers to a French horn, but “horns” refers to all brass (separate from woodwinds, percussion, etc).
But yeah, if somebody referred to a horn, I’d assume they meant French horn.
Trumpets belong in a horn section
Trumpets are stored in the horns
Doesn’t look like that article says anything about trumpets to me. It does link to this article about horns, though:
That one says:
In horns, unlike some other brass instruments such as the trumpet, the bore gradually increases in width through most of its length—that is to say, it is conical rather than cylindrical.[1]
Which seems to specifically exclude trumpets from horns.
Most of these horn sections feature some combination of saxophones, trumpets and trombones.
Also the popular music section includes two photos with people playing trumpet and lists a bunch of horn sections, most of which contain trumpets.
In my experience its very common, just to give a counterpoint. “Bring in the horns” to denote a trumpet heavy section, or just referring to the brass section as “the horn section”. 8dk might just be reguonal i guess but its colloquial.
Can agree. Where I live horn only refers to Alto Horns. Trumpets are something different.
Absolutely no offense intended… But you sound like an asshole
How do you think a guitarist would feel if you called their instrument an ukulele?
Differently, because that’s a poor analogy. Trumpets are horns, guitars are stringed instruments. Now, if they called their trumpet a kazoo, it’d be time to throw down.
Davie504 calls all instruments basses
A ukulele is just a soprano bass
Is it a tiny guitar?
Well, yeah…you play the horn, you aren’t a horn yourself. Horns don’t even have thumbs.
A trumpet is a type of horn.
Yeah, fuck paraphyletic groups!
Just like phylogenetics and moleculargenetics are both biology, but astrophysics is not, though all 3 are natural sciences.
I was more thinking along the lines of birds being dinosaurs and humans being apes. Also you are a fish.
Could be a flügelhorn.
No. Tubing and curl is wrong. It’s not quite right for a trumpet either, but having 16 pixels doesn’t give you much room for accuracy, I guess.
Looking at the size of the cone it could be one.
This is giving me a tromboner.
You want some sax?
“Nobody likes Milhouse!”
“into ska”
My dumbass would’ve interpreted that as ‘I’m a trump supporter’ and definitely not gotten any action
I would’ve interpreted it as “tooting”, i.e. farting. No idea, how much action that warrants.
“bander” is the french verb to “have a hard on” so it’s still on track in my books
So bande dessinée is drawn porn? Actually, I’ve seen some French comics and it tracks.
haha there are a few of those too!
it’s a word with many meanings
- bande (noun, f.): a stripe, a strip, a reel (cinema), a frequency band (FM, AM)
- bande (noun, f.): a band, a herd, a troop, a gang, a group of individuals
- bander (verb): to draw (a bow)
- bander (verb): to bandage up (a wound)
- bander (verb): to have a hard on
You’ve joined a Mariachi band?
“I’m horny” is just not something I can hear people honestly saying to someone else in my head except as a joke.
This Flight of the Conchords song did not help:
You’re not used to being around people who aren’t repressed, are you?
What I meant was I’ve heard people saying it in a “I wish someone would fuck me” sort of way, just not in a flirting sort of way.
Yeah, flirting is to “I’m horny” what subtlety is to a sledgehammer to the face
My lyrics are bottomless…
I hope they get together again one day because every song they wrote was hilarious.
Agreed. Jenny?
“I’m horn”
The bringer of Toot!
So, a mastodon user? :^)
But only two. Never three.
toot toot
Someone’s tooting their own horn.
Well, good on him or her for being a music enthusiast, but what does this have to do with flirting?
Hi Horny, nice to meet you!
Hi horny, i’m dad.
Believe it or not, jail, right away.
A little bit of Monica in my life, a little bit of Erika by my side…
Sounds like something a serial killer will sing.
“A huge ska fan. Pick it up.”
A strumpet
Thank Mr skeltal
Thank Mr. Skeltal.