alt account is Adrian Dittman
How sad
That is so profoundly pathetic. My mouth fell open.
The extreme psychological issues behind using an alt account to try and soothe his own ego about his obvious shortcomings as a father, are in dire need of professional help.
Elon needs a quality shrink and far, far fewer ketamine self-medicating sessions.
No doubt a lot of this is proving to himself something after having is own ‘terrible father’(according to him that is)
Oh you don’t need his word. Elon’s “current” stepmother was his step sister. His father at least is a pedophilic groomer. That’s just the tip of the ice berg too. That shitberg runs deep.
That she was four when she became Elon’s stepsister is the worst part for me. If she had been an adult, even a young adult, when she and Errol met after he married her mother, it would have been sketchy (breaking the divide by two plus fourteen rule) but not in pedo territory. To have multiple children (Elon’s half-siblings and also his step-nieces) with someone you raised as your own child since they were four… it’s beyond.
That would require self-reflection, which I’m not sure he’s familiar with.
He’s wanted his kids a lot closer, physically, after the Luigi incident. It makes sense he’s literally wearing one on his back. More surprising that he hasn’t strapped one to his front as well.
Edit: note his self praise here is from 12 months ago. Didn’t mean to be misleading.
Elon be like
GOP sniper laughing and pulling the trigger: “it’s not an abortion if they’re already born, libtard”
Gotta get those kids use to those school shootings earlier in life.
Why did this invoke “If the IRA can do it so can I” into my mind?
Imma take a random guess that this is from an Ennis written Punisher comic?
Waid’s “Insufferable” actually.
When you’re a father of twelve, but you still gotta topple democracy.
Is this real? If so, this is the saddest thing I’ve seen in a very long time.
The guy needs actual help. But bad luck for us: instead he’ll tear down American democracy.
What about this?
Every one of those kids is going to need so much therapy
Either that or patricidal catharsis.
at least they’ll be able to afford it
Some will, others will choose to reject him and lose out on all the money to avoid further traumatizion
Luigi went after the wrong guy.
The president of united states ladies and gentlemen.
I cringed out loud man what the fuck.
That’s so sad. Alexa play Despacito
So even his kid is calling him a monkey? Aren’t there child protective services?
One of his kids is transgender. Changed their surname because he’s such a shitty father.
But his narcissistic ego thinks he’s a great father. And apperently only him, because there sno one else there to say he is.
The reason he went into right wing politics was to rid the world of the woke mind virus that stole his daughter from him.
Not to say he wouldn’t have joined anyway in the future, but if there was a straw that broke the camels back, this was it.
You know people say the love for your child knows no boundaries? Well, I know Elon is only a few years older then me, but I say to him: “ok boomer, fuck you”. He’s just like my mom. Love knows no boundaries, as long as you fit into very specific extremily high expectations.
Because your kid doesn’t want to see you again and changes their surname, maybe you failed as a father? Maybe the fault lies with you, not with them? Maybe, when all of your kids complain about you being a bad dad, as well as your exes, not all of your kids and exes are wrong, but you are? Maybe, when your youngest kid calls you a fucking monkey, you’re a fucking monkey and should be ashamed AF… Or the entire world is wrong and you are right, because you’re a narcissistic psychopath so there’s no chance of you doing anything bad, ever.
Well said, but it’s worse.
He doesn’t even think the fault is with his daughter, he thinks the woke education system did this to her, and she wouldn’t be trans if it wasn’t for them.
Like, he’s denying who she is. It’s like the other side of conversion therapy, they converted her to trans, and she’s the victim.
Yeah I agree, allowing people to be who they are is disgusting. People should only be who I allow them to be, according to my standards. /s His daughter now is a victim of a society which allows her to be who she really is and not who Elon wants her to be. So society is to blame. “Because everyone should live by my standards, and if their standards are different, my standards will be better so they should change their standards.” What a dumb fuck. His daughter is only a victim of Elon. As well as maaaaany others, and many more in the near future.
That and Grimes getting in a relationship with Chelsea Manning.
That’s ‘narcissistic man outing the depths of his denial’ levels of sad.
Wow, this is actual degeneracy.
This is typical autism behavior where you expect immediate rewards for good behavior that has long term benefits, except he had the awareness to make a sock puppet account to give it to himself.
Not commenting on Musk, but here’s my advice to other people on the spectrum: allistic people don’t reward good behaviors immediately, sometimes they might not give any reward at all because they’re playing a completely different game. Reward yourself by giving yourself a personal and private treat for things you value, and don’t judge yourself based on others validation, or lack thereof. Set your own goals, live by your rules.
He actually named his kid X? The fuck
I assume short for Xæ123v7β2
Not the first one with an X name.
X AE A 12, apparently.
This reminds me of that joke by Chris Rock about how certain people are proud of not going to jail. Of course, staying out of jail is a good thing.
It’s the same thing, yeah, be a good father to your children.
Man, I grew up in a household where my parents celebrated that I didn’t join a gang. They flexed how their son wasn’t in jail to the other families.
Hood mentality.
That was literally part of Chris Rock’s skit:
I take care of my kids.
No shit _, you’re supposed to take care of your kids!
I’m obviously out of the loop. What happened?
Adrian Dittmann, the one replying to Musk in this tweet, is apparently Musk’s alt account.
Oh God. How pathetic is it that you create and alt to play with yourself. That’s like getting mad at your imaginary friend for ghosting you.
Don’t blue check marks get paid based on their number of views cause of ads and “creator payout” stuff? Is this Musk’s side hustle lmao
Nah the blue check mark is quite random now that musk owns twitter
I haven’t heard a single peep of anyone getting paid by twitter since the first few checks went out. I don’t think he’s doing that anymore and it was always completely arbitrary who got paid (by which I mean it was only popular accounts that he liked).
Screw that AI noise, here’s a better article
Oh my fucking god. I only mostly read his tweets and quotes, never really hearing Musk talk much, especially not in a “debate”. I didn’t realize how incredibly childish, arrogant, and downright moronic he was in an argument. All he does is talk over a well-articulated point before the person could finish it by insulting the other party and laughing dumbly at his own joke as if he had made some sort of zinger. And the very few times he doesn’t do that he uses blatant strawman arguments.
This is literally like a child yelling back “Oh yeah?Well, your face is stupid!” How the fuck is this person the richest person on Earth? He wouldn’t even be able to keep a fast food employee job.
Elon Musk is proof that being rich does not require competence, intelligence, or hard work. (Hint: it’s luck and having rich parents)
Actually, it also necessitates a minimal ability to play the sidelines, manipulate and trick people and a complete lack of morality to use those abilities. He didn’t found Tesla. He stole it from its original founders by placing people who were loyal to him on the board.
Having rich parents is part of the luck. What’s better than gambling with your vast fortune? Gambling with someone else’s vast fortune.
Our society is structured so that the rich fail upwards, and Elon is a huge failure so he floats the best.
Makes sense why he and trump get along.
“No puppet no puppet you’re the puppet”
He’s rich cuz daddy gave him starter funds and he got lucky investing in paypal (which he tried to name X).
Money can buy expensive voice modulation software, but it apparently can’t buy one’s way out of stupidity. Using the same speech patterns, grammar, inflection, and laugh… he really isn’t the brightest spark in the tesla coil, is he?
He never had the right to use the name Tesla, especially because Tesla was the underdog in electricity that was burned by the same capitalism he’s championing. He’s hired very smart people and then thinks that by hiring said people he’s on their level, classic capitalist mistake
I don’t know why, but I find it very funny that Elon is basically Edison and using Tesla’s name and also that there’s an underdog electric truck company named Edison motors that’s basically making a fully electric semi with an onboard motor specifically because the dude got fucked on a Tesla semi.
I think an Edison-like company appropriating Tesla’s name is peak Edison behavior.
I’m pretty sure they where named Tesla before Musk first invested in them.
Voice changer software is super cheap too
Using the same speech patterns, grammar, inflection, and laugh… he really isn’t the brightest spark in the tesla coil, is he?
To do otherwise would require the awareness that other people have different speech patterns. I’m surprised his narcissism let him think using a different name would influence people.
Welp, even with voice modulation “Adrian” sounds just like Elon. The speech patterns line up to the point I couldn’t much tell he was using voice mod at all.
Holy shit. Elon or not that guy is embarrassing to listen to.
He adds nothing of value to the conversation and just throws insults to deflect. The most cringe worthy, brain rot insults possible.
This country is fucked.
Just another data point that shows you don’t need to be smart to be rich.
I am well acquainted with tricking drug addicts. I’ve been to Phish concerts.
Guy reads like a huge asshole in his own right though.
Yeah, he’s citing Trump, talking about symbology and Baphomet armour, presenting half-baked arguments as if he has a video of Elon saying that was him. I mean, it probably was, but this reads like a conspiracy theory
Trolling someone to the point of emotional dysregulation is kind of a big hint to that end though.
For anyone who, like me, wasn’t going to play the clip at the above link, holy crap go do so. It’s incredibly comical.
Samesies. Wtf happened? Lol
You all do realize that xelon is just fucked in the head right? He is utterly fucking bonkers.
I was arguing with people online that he’s a piece of shit for years and kept getting downvoted by fanboys talking about him being Tony Stark.
This isn’t some look how smart I was comment, I just assumed he was a piece of shit because he was a billionaire and I assume every billionaire is a piece of shit unless an overwhelming amount of evidence is presented.
Moral of the story is, never worship celebrities and certainly never worship billionaires, unless they are fictional ie batman, then you can like them since it’s inconsequential.
I don’t think you need to have the stipulation for evidence about billionaires not being shit. I don’t think you can be a billionaire without being shit. If you have that much money and aren’t giving it away, you’re a bad person. That’s ignoring how you got it in the first place, which basically requires unfairly benefiting from others work without compensation, excluding inheritance.
I posted a long rant about this on Mastodon. I put timeouts on my posts, though, so you’ll have to take the short form.
If someone came up to you and gave you a million dollars that you have to spend on yourself in a single day, almost anybody could quite easily do it. Most people (perhaps all people?) have a little list in the back of their mind of what they’d like to buy as a dream that’s out of reach. For instance I’d buy a nice plot of land in B.C. and build a house on it. Or I’d get a large apartment in Wuhan and fill one room with bookshelves positively dripping with books.
Now in this thought exercise this person comes back and gives you a million dollars the next day. And the next. And the next. And the next. Each day you have to spend a million dollars on yourself. Not donate to charity, not buy things for your friends. You have to spend the whole million on yourself.
How long would it take you to run out of things you really need or want? Would you last a week? A month? Well to reach a billion dollars you’d have to do this EVERY DAY FOR ALMOST THREE YEARS. Day after day you’d be spending money on more and more bizarre things. A car? Hell, no! You’ve got ten of them about now. A home? God, another one!? That would be number seven. You’d have every valuable collectible you’d ever desired, and likely multiple copies of each. This spending a million dollars a day for that long would, if you’re sane, drive you literally crazy. There’s a very real chance you’d have a nervous breakdown.
A billionaire is the person for whom this isn’t enough.
There can be no amount of evidence that could make someone a good billionaire. They get that way by stealing the rightful wages of their workers, among other nefarious schemes.
It was a mix of the constant lying about Teslas future mixed with him reminding me of a rapist I know that fixed my perception of him.
Even Batman sucks, his existence is to protect the rich.
Explain? I know he takes out big name criminals who might be upset at the system, but they’re also fucking shit up.
Batman is a rich dude who loses his parents to crime. Instead of using his vast wealth to address the root causes of crime, he goes out at night in fancy dress and beats up poor folk.
Batman is the most reactionary of superheroes, arguably worse than Punisher, and that’s even before Mark Miller got his hands on him.
Is that really about protecting the Rich though?
Not helping the poor does not equal protecting the Rich.
He’s taking his vengeance out on criminals.
Nah. It’s propping up the system. That protects the riches.
I want to lock Musk and Chris-chan into a room together and see who out crazies the other first. Bonus points if the try to breed one another first.
He deserves a refund for that voice changer…
there’s no voice changer in this world, present or future, that can make up for his fucking stupid way of speaking. he’s such monumental goddamn idiot that he couldn’t realize his very recognizable mannerisms couldn’t be covered up by a voice changer. and then he proved even more stupid and exposed himself.
Well, there is, just not in real-time. You could have one that changes the speech patterns and could even change the words you use, but it’d have to be done at least with some noticeable latency.
I think he’ll be fine without a refund.
I learned a long time ago that anyone who calls themselves a “great” anything (and has to resort to such childish tactics to perpetuate the myth) is anything but.
There’s a Spanish saying for that: “dime de qué presumes y te diré de qué careces”
Tell me what you brag about and I’ll tell you what you lack.
I make a lot of conlangs and am pretty okay at geography
If I had to guess I’d say interpersonal skills. But I bet you’d make a killer fantasy cartographic map!
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Space karen is a pathetic piece of human garbage
Hadn’t he already done that multiple times?
I don’t know because I don’t keep up on every little detail, but this is the first time I’ve heard of him using a voice changer in a voice chat. I’ve seen multiple instances of him using alt accounts to just write text though.
yeah i want more on the voice changer
DSM5 needs to add Petty
ManchildAdultchild Disorder as a recognized mental health issue so these people can get the help they deserve.Eh, make it petty child. I’ve seen lots of women with the same behavioral issues
Huh… I’ve always assumed that manchild was using “man” as human or mankind. Just looked it up and I was wrong.
Make it Petty Adultchild Disorder.
heh yeah maybe they’ll give him ketamine
er, wait
In my experience Ketamine only enhances the problems with PACS (Petty AdultChild Syndrome)
“Do you suffer from PACS? Ask your doctor if Ketamine is right for you!”
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Muskrat is autistic, I wish he wasn’t he gives the rest of us a bad name.
Also he bought his “success.”
No, he’s white and affluent, so he has “Asperger’s” 🙄
No, he’s a white supremacist so of course he has (Nazi) aspergers
He isn’t autistic, he got the shit kicked out of him too much when he was young because he was so unlikable and he just hates the world now.
He got the shit kicked out of him for being unlikable because neurotypical kids fucking hate autistic kids, ask me how I know or why I hate the world and don’t fucking trust people 🙄
I can’t believe I feel fucking sympathy for this asshole. But my childhood trauma runs deep.
Has he been diagnosed as such, or is he just another Internet-Diagnosed Autist?
Self declared asperger’s.
So basically just an asshole who is undermining people with genuine issues so that he has an excuse to be an asshole.
He just gets better and better.
Alright, I just woke up so I might not see the obvious, but apart from the almost surreal butt licking, what is the sign (proof?) here that this Dittman’s account is actually Elon’s? Sorry, I have never used Twitter or X.
See while I don’t agree with your argument on his critical errors, you make a salient point on the list of things required to pull sock puppeting off.
This guy fucks
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This sounds like a headache. I can barely juggle my account, I can’t imagine two or more.
More evidence CEOs really don’t do much: He has the time to do this, despite being CEO of how many companies?
I once tried to have a throwaway “talk crap about my job account” but it got a little boring and didn’t even provide catharsis since nobody engaged with it lol.
richest man in the world can’t be bothered to hire a couple of flunkies to sock puppet for him.
To have that, you need people you actually trust.
Elon musk trusts no one. His circle is a bunch of yes men who have willingly sold their soul to agree with whatever crazy shit Musk wants.
Musk is smart enough to know that. While also not smart enough to build a team he fully trusts.
Someone’s read speaker for the dead 🤣
Locke vs demonsthenes
So instead of sock puppet he just demoted himself to “ban evading forum troll on the website he bought.” LOL
This link where he’s playing Dittman and he says something along the lines of “her problem was clearly not with the product but with Elon because I was the first thing she posted about.”
Also, in this article’s sound clip, you can hear the similarities. Elon was not on this call, that was “Dittman”.
So he hasn’t even the mental capacity to keep an act up, without his narcissism interfering?
Wow… let that sink in…
His narcissism is why he was doing it in the first place.
Ahhahaha, thanks for the context! This is hilariously bad from his part.
I can’t believe I am better at faking identities than Elon
Where’s the voicechanger? That’s just clearly Elon.
I’ve worked in a taxi dispatch taking hundreds of calls a day for some years and even though I do say so myself, I think I have a pretty good ear.
And his… I don’t know what to even call it, but like there’s this very specific sound when he speaks. Creaking sort of.
This is very clearly him. Is that supposed to be through a voicechanger? Because maybe I’ve not listened to him in any media for a while so I don’t remember the tone and that doesn’t seem weird to me for that reason, but it’s just very unmistakably Elon, lol.
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Thanks for context, this is indeed horribly childish.
I’m glad that such a mature, well-adjusted person is running my country right now.
Hey, he bought and paid for it fair and square. He can run it into the ground as hard and fast as he wants.
See also: Twitter (and no I’m not calling it x that’s fucking stupid)
Fr tho, who the fuck claims to have a ‘favorite letter’ to even begin with? Talk about the cringelord final boss…
I have a favourite letter. It was one of my resignation letters. Paraphrasing what it said at its core “I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how much I enjoyed working here and that I would miss the wise and intelligent guidance I received while employed here. Unfortunately my mother raised me not to lie, so I won’t.”
I still love that letter.
Of course it contained a great deal more content than “X”. (I mean seriously, he couldn’t even add “O” to the mix?)
At breaking free of my last job after way too many years I used:
“To whom it may concern, I’m writing this letter to inform you that your employment services will no longer be required. . . However feel free to reach out for my consultant rates…”
I then quoted Maya Angelou: “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” (HR person said she liked this quote. I think my usage of it whooshed over LOL)
And pretty sure I sealed the deal with “So long and thanks for all the fish!”
(It was a library lmao)
But “X”? That’s stupid. Unless there’s buried treasure under it.
Elon exposed himself.
Does this mean we’re all getting horses?
No, Vermin Supreme didn’t get elected :(. We’ll get those ponies one day.
U gotta crank his hog for that
There’s an image that can not leave my head soon enough.
It’s so hilarious how trumpkin turned on his base for musk, fuck your good paying american jobs going to american born citizens, fuck your education, we want underpaid immigrants and tax cuts while cutting social security.
I don’t think he turned on his base for musk, I think he was always lying just to get their vote. He’s a massive piece of shit that only cares about “what is good for Trump?” He doesn’t give a flying fuck or two shits from a rats ass what the base wants at all.
Trump has always just spouted talking points and word salad until something gets a good reaction and that becomes the new mantra and even government policy. Things that had a bad reaction are put in the “I never said that” box.
It’s surprisingly how much this resembles how an AI generates images. It starts with random noise and refines that into a clear image that matches the criteria.
I fucking WISH Trump was anywhere near as coherent as an LLM
Why would he make a social media account under a fake name, instead of using his real name but make everyone think it’s an unverified parody account to say whatever he wants and never get suspected?
It’s not that bloody difficult.
Yes, however you see the issue here is that you have an IQ higher than room temperature water, and muskrat does not.
He couldn’t even invent a vaguely clever ploy. That fucking brainlet just took the resources available to him and assembled the most basic bitch plan ever, “Hur dur fake account, but add voice changer.” Further proof that Elon Musk is a fucking idiot who couldn’t invent his way out of a wet paper bag.
Yes. How very Ken of him.
Why would he want people to think hes a parody account? He didnt want to just say whatever, he wanted to influence public opinion in his favor. He used the alt account to try to boost his public reputation/give the appearance of organic support for his positions and opinions.
Literal manchild
Make him mad enough to cause a stroke to wipe out his smug shit eating attitude