Maybe it’s cause I’m young (almost 19) but 36 seems like such a big age; I remember him turning 30 & now he’s almost 40 years old. Time flies by too fast. 😭
You gotta act fast, you’re running late with having a kid
It’s kinda wild to think I’m older than he was when he had me now. Can’t imagine becoming a parent.
When I was about your age, I got my first girlfriend pregnant. I was homeschooled and sex education was not part of the curriculum; I had no understanding of women’s biology and she mislead me about when and how pregnancy was possible. I tend to think of this as her tricking me into it, as she was not quiet about her fascination with motherhood, but it’s true that I could and should have done more to educate myself about the whole process before engaging in it.
Anyway, we ended up giving the progeny up for adoption, but I maintain contact with him (and the family when he understandably doesn’t want to talk to me). He turned eighteen this month.
I was going to make a comment about how young thirty-six seemed to be young to have offspring capable of posting on lemmy (I wasn’t even born until my parents were both in their forties) (no moral judgement here BTW!), but then I realized I’m sort of exactly in that situation. The ages are a little different, but pretty close, and I can assure you it’s shocking from the other side as well.
edit: On rereading my comment, I’m a little worried that it could be construed as negative regarding you and/or your father. I mean neither. I wasn’t ready to be a father for a host of reasons, some immature and some rational. It sounds like your dad was and that you have a great relationship. I’m very happy for you! Please accept my apologies if this message was in any way hurtful.
He did have you super early imo
Yeah dude, it’s rough having a kid young. Shits stressful, less support when your younger. None of your friends are having kids at that age so it’s tough making friends with people way older than you just so your kid has people to play with.
If it helps; my dad was mid 40s when I was born. We have a great relationship. He still would take time to play catch with me and all the general dad things despite being older. You still have plenty of time if you want kids!
When my kid’s your age I’ll be 52, which is practically middle aged by modern standards… If you eat your veggies.
Yeah, I’ll be 58 when my boy is 19… Gotta get in shape!
I’m in shape.
Circle (well… More oval) is a shape.
Time to lift
52, which is practically middle aged by modern standards.
I don’t mean to be a Debbie downer, but between the climate spiraling and the MAGA Nazis in the White House, I feel in closer to middle age in my 30s than I would closer to my fifties. I’d like to think I’ll live long enough to need my 401k, but I’m not hopeful that I will.
Globally the average life expectancy is ~73.5 so mid/upper 30s is essentially middle aged.
I’m 37. Thanks for making me feel old. I haven’t had kids yet.
I have it on good authority that you’re not old.
Thanks, I needed that. Long time ago I’ve seen that, I love every bit of it.
Almost 36 is almost 40? Don’t take almost half our 30’s away!
Cherish your family while you can. I lost my father over 10 years ago. He could be mean at times, but he taught me a lot. I miss him. ☹️
Holi crap. I’m turning 39 next month and family planning is still in progress. I hope my kids will be as happy with me one day.
How did you multiply by 60 and get a number that ends in 5??
All the math is weird. 36yr from 2025 is 13149 days = 315576 hr = 18934560 min = 1136073600 sec. But maybe they’re saying there’s still 16:44:25 left until their actual birthday?
but 36 seems like such a big age; I remember him turning 30 & now he’s almost 40 years old. Time flies by too fast.
I’m in this post and I really don’t like it
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